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"i heard her dad paid zion 500 dollars to take her to formal" a girl snickered with her friend down the hallway.

the last bell of the day had rang and ryan couldn't wait to get home. she was so in her own head that she didn't pay mind to the girls that were gossiping about her. this week had already been a trip. on days like this she missed the quietness that utah held.

"ry, wait up" nick yelled at her.

"what's up pretty boy" she smiled.

"i take it you haven't heard what ari said?" nick asked scrunching his nose up.

ryan's eyebrows narrowed, waiting for nick to finish the rest of his sentence.

"okay well don't go out and fight her but she started telling everyone that your dad paid zion good money to take you to formal. that's why he dumped her" he said.

"i literally just told her zion was taking me fifth period, how is she already telling everyone this?"

"arielle is a wonderball"

ryan rolled her eyes making her way to austin's car in the parking lot.

"bye-bye charity case" a girl whispered in the lot expecting ryan to not react.

she was wrong.

"what did you say?" ryan turned around quickly meeting the girl face to face.

"i–uh" she stuttered.

"don't try to cover it up, what did your entitled, self-absorbed, pre-madonna, bitch ass mouth just say about me?"

nick and austin were now standing in between ryan and the girl creating a barrier. most certainly for the girl because they knew ryan could handle her problems. the other girl, chelsea brier, could not.

"she's not worth it ry" nick said.

"just move on" austin encouraged.

"i'll see you in the halls" ryan threatened before walking away into austin's car.

thankfully for the girl, the boys were able to save her a good ass whopping because ryan would have kicked her ass and probably gotten suspended from the school.



did you fight chelsea brier?

nick and aussie didn't let me

you can't try fighting
everyone at this school
ya know.

hmm you must not know
me sir.


zion couldn't help but laugh at the message on his screen. she was a wild one for sure. he was currently sitting in his room trying to fill out his college applications.

"baby i'm home" his mothers sweet voice yelled into the house.

zion went downstairs to greet his mother. he got even happier when he noticed the pizza box sitting on the kitchen counter.

"so are you gonna tell me, or are you gonna make me ask?" she asked.

"what do you want me to tell you?" zion asked confused.

lovely | zion kuwonu Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat