the song

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"vote me, arielle cora to be your beautiful formal queen" the slender girl said handing out cupcakes to those who walked past her down the hallway.

there's was one week before formal on saturday and everyone was in full effect. well except ryan as always.

ryan opened her locker, dropping off her books for later classes. she hadn't even noticed arielle handing out treats beside her until she came crashing into her locker.

"what the fuck is your problem" she shrieked.

"your dumbass ran into my locker" ryan groaned.

"listen here slut, you took zion away from me. formal queen is mine so i suggest you back off"

"what are you talking about?" ryan scrunched her brows.

"don't play stupid, there's a reason your name got put on the ballot" arielle wined.

"what fucking ballot are you talking about?"

"the formal ballot you twat, you and me are the only ones running for queen. you had to submit your name along with 5 peoples signatures, so stop faking you slut" arielle nearly screeched.

a teacher walked by and brought arielle's attention away from her, giving ryan a chance to run to the cafeteria and ask the boys how her name ended up in the ballot.

"good morning gorgeous" zion smiled as she took a seat next to him.

he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss on her head. it took everything within ryan to not melt right there. but she was here on official business.

"which one of you despicable minions submitted my name for formal queen" ryan blurted.

the boys exchanged looks. if they were bold before, it clearly wasn't showing now.

"fine i'll own up, I started the form, but they all signed it too" zion admitted.

"listen ry, isn't it going to be awesome when you and zion are standing on the stage in front of the whole school?" austin said.

"arielle literally almost shoved a cupcake in my face in the hall 5 minutes ago so no not awesome"

"you were scared of having a cupcake shoved in your face?" edwin asked.

"no i was scared i'd punch her and get sent to boarding school in connecticut" ryan rolled her eyes.

"just think about it this way, if you don't run for queen, arielle wins and since zion is and he'll probably win too, they win together. do you want that?" nick asked.

all boys turned their eyes directly at ryan, awaiting the response.

"i hate you guys" she finally gave in making everyone laugh. "but i'm not passing cupcakes around the school to buy my votes"

"don't worry, i got this" brandon winked.

"ryan, you coming to the tables?" nick asked running up behind her.

she nodded her head at the two made their way over to the rest of the group.

it was currently lunch time and brandon had come up with a plan. it was a long shot to be honest, but there was no harm in trying.

"what do you not play?" ryan asked, notching the guitar in brandon's arms.

"zion wanted to sing a little today, so i borrowed it from the music room" he laughed.

"you remember the song you sung in the basement last time?" edwin asked.

"umm, not really. the lyrics are vague in my memory" ryan furrowed her brows

"how about you just play another song" austin suggested

"i only know how to play that and isn't she lovely by stevie wonder" brandon complained

"i love that song" ryan perked up.

"boom, game plan let's roll" nick snapped.

"game plan?" she questioned.

"uhhh just for fun– fun game plan" nick caught himself.


"ready ryan?" brandon asked.

ryan nodded her head and the strings on the guitar hummed.

initial game plan was to subtly record zion and ryan singing and then post the video on instagram to get people to see that they're a cute couple. then people would want to vote ryan and zion instead of arielle and zion.

her voice was like honey, and zions voice smoothly complimented hers.

they caught the attention of a few people walking by who began to make a circle around the table and record them.

zion and ryan were too caught up in their moment to put any attention onto anything but each other.

isn't she lovely, zion sang

isn't he wonderful, ryan continued

isn't she precious

no one compares to you

his hand now rested on her thigh. the sound of clapping broke their focus. it was as if the entire school was watching and clapping for them. their love and affection seemed to have transferred onto every else's faces.

well except for one,



lemme find out
you didn't vote
on my fucking shit

but seriously 5 votes for the
next chapter pls i'm desperate 🥺

lovely | zion kuwonu Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora