OC 3

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NAME: Oliver ' CANDYKID' Evans

Any Special Meanings: Olive tree shown favor




Who are they in the mafia or a Cop:Under cover cop
x x x

FC or looks:

FC or looks:

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Off missions:

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Off missions:

Personality: Oliver is a wise cracking - slick tongued great actor and he often is cocky and it a rat but it takes forever for you to realize that he is also such a charmer most girls fall head over heels for him

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Personality: Oliver is a wise cracking - slick tongued great actor and he often is cocky and it a rat but it takes forever for you to realize that he is also such a charmer most girls fall head over heels for him

W.O.C:a gun

his mission?: Find out the bosses weakness - exploit the weakness and destroy the Mafia and watch them all get captured- he does this with skin like his father taught him.

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