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Full Name: Makenzie Zoë Baudelaire

Any Special Meanings: Born of Fire life


Gender; Female

Sexuality: bisexual

Who are they in the mafia: Mafia Bosses daughter
x x x
" Better to be strong than pretty and useless Well sucks Because i'm both Strong and Pretty"

FC or looks:

FC or looks:

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on missions :

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on missions :

With a leather jacket that says ' Baby girl'

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With a leather jacket that says ' Baby girl'


Makenzie is a Person who is very easily annoyed , and Hates stupid questions. She's a bit of a brat she knows that though , she hates people being disrespectful towards her. she has an attraction to People who Tell her No and She will get them anyway . she has a temper , she likes to do thing hands on and can be cold. Yet when you get to know her she is a sweetheart and Will protect her Family with her life.



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Brass knuckles , pipes and Other Blunt objects and grenades at times

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Brass knuckles , pipes and Other Blunt objects and grenades at times.

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