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Scenario one: Makenzie Is known well for her Temperamental issues. She often loses her cool when she is disrespected. She kept her Calm for a while But you kept noticing her Glaring at The Persons son you/ she is making a deal with. Suddenly a gun it at their head and Makenzie is holding the trigger Rage in her eyes." Wanna try some slick shit like that again ?"

Scenario Two: Makenzie so happened to get Taken by A Rivaling Mafia Gang , Her mouth would most likely be the reason she got killed. You are the interrogator trying to get her to Talk about where her fathers shipments are and she is just laughing in your face telling you to Go to hell , or just Taunting you.

Scenerio three: You are one of Makenzie's protectors/Guardians, even if she does not need one. You Are With kenzie when she leaves the house always, this time You both are going under cover In a high school As two students or One Student and a teacher. You need to recruit new members. You?

Scenerio four: Make it up

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