I walked/limped into the class room, and all eyes were on me.

"Hello Miss Falls" the teacher said, annoyed.

"Would you like to explain why you're late today, and was not here yesterday?" He asked, even though we all knew that he meant I better tell him why I'm late.

Yet, I shook my head no, and limped to my seat, in the back of the class.

The teacher stared at me, but then carried in with the lesson.

I just put my head down. Gawd, I'm so tired. I feel like a zombie.

Just when my eye lids were getting heavy, and I was about to go to sleep, the bell rang.

I was the last person to leave.

I limped into the lunch room, and went to my table.

I put my head down, and tried to ignore all the loud teens.

I was getting close to going to sleep, when someone beside me called my name.

I mentally groaned.

I looked up to see Jesse.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"I got you and orange" he said, handing it to me.

"I already had a sandwich. I thought you'd be too tired to get your butt up and get your own" he joked, grinning.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

I took the orange, and just rolled it around in front of me on the table.

"Well, I told Trey I'd help him with his homework today. Love ya sis" he said, kissing my cheek before he left.

I waved, and the put my head back down, forgetting about the orange.

I was almost asleep, when someone sat down beside me.

I ignored the person, and kept my head down.

Then, the person cleared their throat.

I looked up, and saw a guy I've seen in some of my classes.

He's a jock/player. He's on the football team, and he is an egotistical ass hole.

He has shaggy blonde hair and a muscly build.

He quite good looking. Which he uses to his advantage. Which is why I don't like his at all.

Not as muscly and good looking as Ryder.

Whoa... where did that thought come from?!

"Hi. My name is Kent" he said with a smirk.

I looked at him blankly.

"And you are?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, and put my head back down.

"You know, it's very rude to not introduce yourself to someone that is trying to be your friend" he said harshly.

Can't he see I'm trying to fucking sleep!

He took in a breath, about to say something, when someone cleared their throat behind us.

What is up with the clearing of the throats!

I pull my head up to see one of Ryder's friends, that was at the mall with him on Sunday.

"What do you want Jon?" Kent asked, rather rudely

"I need to speak to D-" he was about to say my name, but I cut him off by elbowing him, lightly in the stomach.

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