17 1 1

3:20 P.M.

Yellowoctopuses40- guys guess what I found!

Mascaralover42- an octopus toy?

Yellowoctopuses40- no, something even more interesting

Gimmiesomefood43- an new Guitar?

Yellowoctopuses40- no

Givepeaceachance40- an new car?

Yellowoctopuses40- no even close

Givepeaceachance40- is that an record player?

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Givepeaceachance40- is that an record player?

Yellowoctopuses40- yes it is called a Columbia Grafonola , I got it for dirt cheap and I thought it would play my records but it only plays 78's

Givepeaceachance40- for bloody sakes how old is that?

Yellowoctopuses40- well I looked it up and it is from 1915-1925.

Mascaralover42- holy cow, that thing was around during both world wars, the Vietnam War, the Great Depression, the Roaring 20's, and everything that happened from the 20's to today

Yellowoctopuses40- I don't know what to do with it

Gimmiesomefood43- you can use it for a table

Yellowoctopuses40- thats what Im doing now

Yellowoctopuses40- i read online and some were for sale for around $700 in American dollars


Yellowoctopuses40- so should I sell it?

Givepeaceachance40- obviously, you can buy so much stuff with that money you would get if you sold it

Yellowoctopuses40 - true

Mascaralover42- people on Facebook are probably looking for that kind of stuff

Yellowoctopuses40- so I should post it on Facebook?

Mascaralover42 - yes ringo

Yellowoctopuses40- all right, I'm going to put it on for sale right now, thanks boys

Mascaralover42- No problem

This is happening to me at the moment. I don't know what to do with it

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