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JANICE ANXIOUSLY QUEUED up behind Lily for their potions class - the first potions class, in fact, since the incident with Regulus. Sirius had been pretty mad at her and, in her opinion, very unfair. She wasn't trying anything on with his brother and she definitely wasn't the slag that he'd publicly made her out to be. 

The line began to move forward and Jan clutched her textbook closer to her chest. The plan was simple; she apologises, he apologises, they're all one big happy family again. She took a deep breath in as she stepped towards the third desk back. He was already seated and chatting away with James in front, at least she wouldn't have to do any awkward greetings. Instead, she slipped past his chair and took a seat quietly. Janice imagined herself slipping into the background, her chameleon skin replicating the pale, crumbling wall. James gave her a small smile (which she returned) and rotated to face the chalkboard at the  front of the class. 

The lesson was simple enough, copy out some names of ingredients and their uses then write a short essay detailing the difference in results when stirring clockwise and anti-clockwise. The class had erupted into chatter, making the silence between the pair eery. This was the perfect chance. She placed down her quill and turned to face Sirius.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been talking to Regulus behind your back, I know you don't have the best relationship."

He seemed taken aback slightly, perhaps he wasn't expecting the stubborn girl to give in and apologise. "It's okay, Jan."

She remained facing him, patiently awaiting his apology in return. However, Sirius didn't seem to comprehend this. He turned back to his parchment and continued scribbling. Janice cleared her throat.

"Can I help you?"

"I think you owe me an apology too," her arms were crossed over her chest. 

He scoffed, "What for?"

Not giving him the pleasure of a response, Janice rolled her eyes and picked up her quill again. 

Some time passed and Jan came to a closing statement in her essay. She glanced around the classroom and saw the majority of the students still frantically copying out definitions from the textbook. She still had time.

"Do you really think that about me?" she asked cautiously as Sirius also finished the work. 

He sighed and placed his parchment in the corner of the table, "Think what?"

Janice glanced down at the floor and moved a piece of her hair, "I'm desperate and I'm a slut?"

His expression softened, "No, J. I don't. I was just so blooming mad."

She turned away uncomfortably. He leant into her slightly and lowered the volume of his voice, "You can do whatever you like, Jan. But I think if you're going for Reg then you're going for the wrong guy."

Jan furrowed her eyebrows and watched as Sirius' gaze slowly shifted towards the boy with the messy, brown mullet. The boy that smiled warmly and gave soft hugs and kissed her forehead endearingly. 

"Me and Remus?" she questioned. 

"Between you and me, he's not stopped looking over here since you sat down."

This time they both looked over at him, he turned around and seemed surprised to be under their gazes. In synchrony, they raised their hands to wave. Remus laughed nervously and faced forwards again. 

She glanced at Sirius again, "Do you think he likes me?"

He chuckled, "He doesn't shut up about you."

They both smiled.

❁ BOTANY; r.lupinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora