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"The Halloween Party"

THE GIRLS had been planning their costumes for weeks; and by girls I mean Janice. They even had to call in their good friend Dorcas to complete the group costume. Jan was determined to win the prize for best costume this year and would do anything that it took. Even looking like a fool at the greatest halloween party of the millennium. 

With a swagger in her step and an air of confidence, Janice led the group to the scene of the crime: the Room of Requirement. Finally, Mystery Inc had arrived. Lily as Daphne, Dorcas as Fred, Emmeline as Velma, Marlene as Shaggy and Janice as Scooby. The perfect costume.

"Jinkies! Look who it is."

"Like, that's totally awesome dudes."

Both groups laughed, impressed with each other's outfits. The four boys had come dressed as The Beatles. Sirius as John, James as Paul, Peter as George and Remus as Ringo. 

"Wow, you ladies pulled this off. I'm impressed."

"Rank roo Rames. you guys look pretty cool if I say so myself."

"Let's split up, gang", who knew Dorcas would get so into character? Janice left to fill up her drink, she was going to need it to get through the night. She made her way to the drinks table only to bump into a familiar face. 

"Ruh roh."

"Err, peace and love?"

Janice and Remus burst out laughing, Remus' fingers still held up in a peace sign. "What brings you over here on this fine evening, Starr?"

"I slipped off before I had to sing All you need is Love for the billionth time tonight."

Janice chuckled and took a sip of her firewhiskey. 

"How come you're not with Mystery Inc?"

"Lily will not stop saying Jeepers", Janice said deadpan and slowly turned toward Remus before setting off giggling.

The rest of the band joined Remus and Janice which let her slip back into the background and observe. Two slytherins nearby seemed to be having a good gossip and Jan couldn't help but listen in. Now, Janice was not the greatest lip reader but she could recognise her best friends name when she saw it. In a matter of seconds her face contorted from happiness to confusion to panic. 

"Ruh roh. Need to see Raggy"

After a few minutes of desperately pushing through the crowds, looking out for Marlene's green shirt and mop of hair, Janice finally found her. She was standing in the corner talking to some boys who seemed like they'd had far too much to drink. 

"Like, it's totally my parter in crime!"

Both Marlene and the boys turned to Janice expectantly. She plastered a fake smile on her face and tried to ignore the pounding in her chest,

"Scooby Dooby Doo!", Janice lowered her voice to Marlene, "we need to talk." 

The two slipped away and left the drunks giggling away.

"Don't freak out. Marls, do not freak out. Promi-"

"Like, chill out, dude. I won't freak out."

Janice gave her friend a knowing look and raised an eyebrow. 

"Okay so i may freak out. But you can't not tell me now!"

Janice explained the whole eavesdropping backstory and the got to her point, "They said something about you and - and"

"Spit. It. Out."

So that's what she did, "amdsomethingaboutyouandbeinggay."

Marlene's eyes widened, "What?" The edge in her voice startled Janice. Marlene knew exactly what she had said, "Say what you just said a little slower, J."

"They said something about you and being gay. A lesbian. Something about you having a girlfriend over summer."

Janice breathed out a laugh in realisation.

"I assumed that Max was a boy."


Janice closed her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows yet she could still feel Marlene's stare. When she opened her eyes she saw her best friend, mouth agape and eyes wide. 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I never said that Max was a boy."

Janice shook her head and glanced away, "Not Max. Why didn't you tell me that you were gay?" Hurt was written all over her face in blood red marker. 

"I-I'm not even sure if i am. Max was just a fling.", Marlene looked sad and desperate, a look that Janice had never seen in her, "Maybe I like both. Boys and girls."

Janice had nothing left to say to her friend.

So instead she gave her the biggest hug of her life.

❁ BOTANY; r.lupinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora