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"The Library"

IT HAD BEEN a week since the incident with Remus; Jan had been avoiding him despite his obvious efforts to speak to her. She was currently hiding out in the library - this would usually be the last place she would choose to be but he would never go searching for her here. In her hands was a muggle book under the name of 'The Bell Jar' which she was actually enjoying reading (shock horror). 

As she turned the page onto chapter 3, a certain boy placed himself in the seat opposite her. 

"Jan, you haven't heard Paul Simon's newest record have you?"

Janice looked up at Regulus and sighed, "Look Reg, I seriously don't think we should be talking. You know the trouble it caused last time, I don't want Sirius thinking I'm trying it on with you."


She laughed, "Again."

Regulus smirked and leant forward, lowering the volume of his voice, "I'm flattered, I truly am, but I'm afraid I don't swing that way, Janice."

A smile creeped onto her face, "Regulus Black! How very scandalous."

He sat back in his chair and grinned, "I know!"

The pair caught up on the last few months and gushed about all the music they had missed out on conversations about. The hours creeped in and Janice headed off to the Gryffindor tower to get some rest. Well, that was the plan anyway. 

Jan found herself pushed ferociously against the bricked wall down a secluded part of the corridor. A wild mane of hair flashed in her face and there was a wand pressing into her neck.

"You'll stay away from my cousin," Bellatrix barked as she raised her eyebrows. 

"Which one?" Janice smirked. 

Bellatrix thrust a hand into Jan's hair and pulled aggressively, "Regulus. You think I give a shit about the blood-traitor?"

Jan pulled a face that said 'I don't know' and tilted her head to the side in a shrug. 

She repeated herself, "You'll stay away from him."

"And what if he doesn't stay away from me?"

She laughed menacingly, "You're cheeky aren't you, price? Well, this is what I think of your attitude."

Bellatrix stuck her wand up the sleeve of Janice's robe and muttered an incantation. There was a sudden outburst of a searing pain up her forearm and she winced sharply. The witch retracted her wand and tugged her head up by her hair; Jan let out a low grunt.

"Are we clear, princess?"

"Crystal," she spat out. 

Bellatrix dropped her and left her on the cold tiles, rubbing her arm in pain. 

Janice was due a study date with Lily, Sirius and Peter as they prepared for their History of Magic O.W.L. She had spent the night on the girl's communal bathroom floor desperately trying to heal up her arm  but the gruesome burns refused to budge. As long as she kept her head down, everything would be fine. 

Lily was chattering away about some goblin rebellion when Regulus made his way over to the table. 

"Jan! I listened to the -"

Janice froze up and refused to look at him, "Go, Reg. Now. Just leave please."

Regulus furrowed his brows and turned to his brother for an explanation,  Sirius shrugged and shook his head. 


"If anyone asks you were talking to Sirius, just go. Trust me."

"Are you ok?" he quietened himself, "Has someone said something?"

"I'm fine. If you love me, you'll turn around and leave. No more questions asked."

He sighed and opened his mouth to speak but thought better of it and walked out of the library. Jan let out a shaky breath and pulled herself together. 

"What the fuck was that?" Sirius asked, reaching his hand out to hers over the table.

"Nothing!" she snapped, "Nothing. Go on, Lils. What were you saying?"

She spoke softly, though a shocked expression remained on her face, "Are you okay, J?"

Jan laughed wearily, "Yeah, course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Lily tilted her head to the side, "Because you're crying."

"Am I?" she reached up to her own face and felt the wetness around her eyes, "Merlin, I guess I am."

The group of friends were sitting in the common room that evening just enjoying each others company. Janice was blatantly trying to ignore the looks that Remus was sending her way but he continued regardless. Marlene was smothering Jan after Lily told her what happened in the library, though neither of them understood it. 

"Do you want a drink? Or something to eat? I can grab you a blanket if you want?"

"Marls it's fine, honestly," Jan reasoned, "But it is fucking red hot in here. Why do we need the fire on in spring?"

James threw himself onto the sofa beside her, "Take that jumper off then."

She rolled her eyes and glanced down at the jumper she was wearing, she'd just picked one up off the floor to cover up her arms - she hadn't properly took notice of it. She flushed red at the sight of emerald on cream and refused to acknowledge the small smile that Remus had on his face. 

She was actually sweating, it was beyond funny now. Unbeknownst to Jan, Marlene and James nodded at one another and jumped on her to tackle the jumper off. 

"Stop! McKinnon! Potter! Get the fuck off me," she shouted. 

They laughed as they tossed the jumper between the group; Janice crawled into herself and prayed that nobody would notice the giant burn marks covering her left arm. 

The room silenced and laughter quickly died down, Sirius whispered, "Did Bellatrix do that to you?"

She opened her mouth, closed it, then said, "How did you know?"

"I've got a similar mark on my back."

Peter chipped in, "Was that what the deal was in the library?"

She nodded solemnly. 

"What deal in the library?" Remus asked sternly.

"Jan just got a bit upset," Lily explained. 

"Why did no one tell me?"

"It wasn't really your business," Jan spoke.  

"If it's to do with you, then it's my business," he stood up and turned to Sirius, "What are we going to do?"

It was Janice's turn to stand up and hurry over before Sirius could reply, "You'll do nothing. You would just make it worse for me or Regulus."

"Why did she attack you?"

"She wanted me to stay away from your brother."

Remus turned to her, "Would staying away from him be such a bad thing?"

Janice raised an eyebrow.

He rushed to explain himself, "No, no, I'm not jealous or anything. I just think Sirius might be a bit upset if you get with his brother."

"Well that would be difficult, you know, considering he's gay."

Remus made and 'o' shape with his mouth and scratched the back of his neck. 

Jan placed her hand on the top of his arm and spoke softly, "You're not to do anything, I'll figure this out myself. Understood?"

"I don't like what you're saying," he began, "but I understand."

He quickly kissed her temple, "How's about we get that burn fixed up."

❁ BOTANY; r.lupinWhere stories live. Discover now