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"The Library"

JANICE PRICE WAS attempting (and failing) to attain some sort of peace and quiet. Though there were few people in the library, the room bustled with sound. Even the way that students turned the pages of their books was far too loud for Janice. 

A soft voice interrupted her train of thought and nearly sent her flying into a fit of rage, "Is this seat taken?"

Before the gryffindor began to huff, she peered up at Remus Lupin and then around the room. Of all the places that boy could seat himself, he chose right in front of the most annoyed person in the world. "It's all yours", Jan grinned back.

He placed himself gently into the booth and opened up the mighty book in his hands. If Janice had any say in the matter, she wouldn't even be sat in the library. Lily had forced her to sit down and read up on astrology seeing as OWL's were round the corner. Janice knew that she meant well and understood why she had made her study but that doesn't mean she isn't bloody pissed off about it. Of course, she isn't reading an astrology book: herbology is just way more interesting.

"What are you reading?", Remus Lupin spoke up. It was the first time the pair had conversed since he took a seat.

Simply looking up and smiling, Jan held up the book with the cover on display. "Wow, i didn't know you were into herbology."

"Well, if it was my choice I wouldn't be reading anything at all but this is the closest thing to salvation I'm getting."

The boy sat across from her shot her an odd glance, "You don't want to be here?"

"Lily's making me study astrology for OWL's"

He chuckled slightly, "You're doing a good job on the astrology front."

Both parties seemed satisfied with the conversation and returned to their comfortable silence.

Janice could feel his leg under the table and subconsciously kicked him. "Shit, Remus, sorry", she apologised. 

"No, it's fine. Don't worry", he smiled and neither of them bothered to move their legs. Returning to her reading, she couldn't help but smile. There seemed to be a silent agreement between the two that neither spoke and so they sat reading with their legs pressed against each other.

"I should probably head off soon. The lads will be wondering where i've gone", Remus said and Jan couldn't help but notice the sad tone in his voice. 

"Yeah. I'll see you around, Lupin"

"See you round, Price. I expect to see you here tomorrow"

Janice nodded in response with a smile on her face and watched as he walked out of the library. She let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. Shortly after Remus Lupin's departure, Lily came to collect her friend and the two headed to the Great Hall.

note: if anyone's actually reading this, thanks. this was quite a short chapter but i put a lot of effort into it. will be getting longer though haha.

❁ BOTANY; r.lupinWhere stories live. Discover now