Mr. Gardner

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This was supposed to be a one-shot but was turned into an actual book so the first chapter goes by really quick, but then I start slowing down the action throughout the book

okay, here we go.

My heart pounded in my chest as I made my way down the hall, It was just after lunch and the third period was about to start. Kids crowded the halls and rummaged through their lockers; I had my lined book plastered to my chest as I walked toward the end. Pushing open the doors, a cold winter breeze rushed over my body, the shivers it sent through me made me tighten my grip. Just a couple more steps and I'd be free from this horrid winter air.

Stepping up the stairs to the portable, I twisted the handle and let myself into the classroom, warmth spread across my cold limbs and added relief to my cold cheeks.

The classroom already had a couple of students sitting in their normal seats, chatting away and ignoring the notes on the board that Mr. Gardner had specifically placed to read and follow. I took a seat in my normal spot; near the back of the classroom, but just in the right spot where I could see the board and Mr. Gardner's desk. I began to get out a couple of pens and pencils to start writing in my journal, his note on the board read for us to 'write half a page on our opinion on the play Hamlet'. This being easy as we had just talked about it the other day. 

 It only being half a page, just made it so much easier. I scribbled away at my paper, making sure to jot down a couple of important things here and there so he knew I was paying attention.

When I finished my last sentence, the bell rang to inform me our class had started. The small portable was now basically full. Students all in their groups, chatting to each other as if they hadn't just had lunch to do so. My eyes wandered to Mr. Gardner's desk, his seat only holding his jacket which he must have placed on the back of some time in the day.
I wonder why he's late?

Just as I started thinking about what he could be doing, the Portables door squeaked open, revealing Mr. Gardner.

His hair was slightly blown out and cheeks with a small blush, the cold winter air rushing into the classroom as he swung the door closed. I watched him wipe off his black dress shoes on the mat and walk over to his desk.

"Good Afternoon class" He spoke out of breath.

Proceeding to adjust his chair, he then ran his fingers through his hair. He wore a dark blue button-up shirt, as well as a black tie, his pants a dark fitted grey; being held up by a black belt. As I sat practically drooling over him, he walked to the front of the classroom and clapped his hands to bring everyone's attention to him.

"As I assume you all read the board, I would like for you all to finish up your papers and hand them in within the next ten minutes. After, we'll be going over a new project."

The whole class groaned in annoyance.

"Love the enthusiasm everyone"  He chuckled, then turned around to sit back down. He grabbed his folded-up glasses at the corner of his desk and put them on, raising his arm to reveal his watch. He waited a moment before looking to the class. "Ten minutes starts now"

Immediately the classroom filled with the sound of people writing away. Some unprepared and taking time to get writing utensils, others choosing to use their time wisely and sit chatting with their friends. I looked down at my paper, then turned on my phone to check the time.

Mr. GardnerWhere stories live. Discover now