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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ our futures not etched in stone, but drawn in sand

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our futures not etched in stone,
but drawn in sand.

THE NEXT TWO WEEKS were nothing but furniture stores and receipts that came out way too long. he insisted on helping out, but taehyung was barely able to consider reaching for his wallet before his boyfriend already swiped his card across the reader for the hundredth time.

"dude let me pay." taehyung finally said something on their way back to the car. they had just gotten accent pillows for the couch and some placemats.

"dude no." jungkook tried to mimic the older boys deeper voice.

taehyung just stared at him. "i don't sound like that."

"i don't sound like that." the younger tried again. he ended up coughing instead and the brunette just walked away to leave him to sound like he was dying.

jungkook was grabbing the shopping bags and coughing out his lungs, trying to catch up to the other already half way through the parking lot. "i inhaled saliva." the ravenette said, once their footsteps were synced and shoulders bumping as they walked.

"that's lovely." taehyung rolled his eyes at the boy, wondering how such a dork could be such a criminal as well. the duality is insane.

they packed up the car, an array of bags and boxes from earlier trips already strategically stacked in the backseat. "why can't we put stuff in your apartment?" taehyung finally asked once they were on the road again, this time the destination unknown. the ravenette had kept checking his watch, saying they could be late. for what, the older male wasn't sure.

"because." it was jungkooks wonderful answer to everything — and if his boyfriend didn't love him so much then he may have punched him for saying that again.

they had bought quite a lot to redecorate, but everything was either still in jungkooks car or had been placed in a storage shed. nothing in the apartment really looked different, except for the addition of some of taehyungs clothes in the closet, but other then that it was bare and dark as usual.

taehyung frown a bit, and he glanced out the window at little city shops passing by and strangers walking on the sidewalk. it slowed as they stopped by a red light, but he stayed looking out the window. "do you not want to change your apartment? i'm sorry if you feel like i'm pushing it." he admitted, glancing at the dark haired boy in the drivers seat.

"shut up dummy," jungkook said, romantic as ever. "i want this, just wait a minute." he said, starting to drive again as the light turned green and his focus was back on the road.

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