Chapter Fourteen.

Start from the beginning

I dropped on the floor, next to my Charis, who was looking very pale now. I was aware that Ryan, Chase, Becca and Nicole were in the room but I didn't want to think about all the questions they'd ask me, even Chase, because right now, my baby was my first priority and always will be.

Kaden came up to me, crying, with a red nose. I hugged him tightly, while checking for Charis' pulse. Tears were flowing freely down my cheeks now, and I probably looked like a mess, but I couldn't care less right now.

Her pulse was there, but it was very weak. Someone passed me a babywipe, which I used to wipe the blood on near her mouth with. This had never happened before, so I was unsure of what was happening to her.

"Baby, Charis, can you hear me?" I asked desperately.

It pained me to see her looking so weak and fragile, when she was used to jumping around and fighting with her brother for my attention.

"My baby, please wake up. Please, for mommy?" I sobbed. I heard a growl, and I could only assume that it was Chase, who thought I had a baby with another man.

"The ambulance is here, Sophie, honey, you need to move," Daniel said softly, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"No, I can't leave her alone," I cried.

I felt someone taking a crying Kaden away from me and trying to calm him down. I lifted and hugged Charis' head and shoulder tightly. She was too hot, even for a werewolf.

"Ma'am, I need you to move please. I need to check your daughter," the paramedic told me. 

My wolf was in extra-protective mode after what had happened to Charis, so she didn't want to budge. After explaining to her that if we didn't move, Charis would get sicker, she reluctantly agreed to move away slightly, just so that the paramedic could check on her.

 "We need to take her to the hospital, her pulse is weak. Body temperature is too high," she said to her colleague. They both nodded and got a stretcher and placed my frail-looking baby on there. They put an oxygen mask over her mouth so that she could breathe.

They brought her outside quickly, and I followed, while Mark stayed behind to sort everything out. Some fans who were still around started whispering and pointing to my baby and myself. They got her into the ambulance with me in tow.

I sat next to my baby, holding the hand whilst the sirens went off, and they speeded through the roads to get to the local hospital. Once we got there, they brought her into the hospital. I sat in the waiting room, hugging my knees to my chest while silently sobbing.

Minutes later, I was in the familiar warm embrace of Alex. How did he even know I was here? Probably Mark.

 He whispered comforting words to me while I sobbed quietly, hoping that Charis was okay. I had never felt so scared before, never. If something happened to Charis, I don't know what would happen to me.

"Phia, she's going to okay. Don't think otherwise. Charis is a fighter, you know that right?" Alex said, rubbing my arms, "She stronger that you think she is."

"I-I hope you're r-right Alex," I whispered, sitting on the floor with my head on his chest.

"Oh, there she is!" I heard someone say. Footsteps ran to us and soon, Daniel was also hugging me. Christy kneeled down in front of me and I could see that she didn't look any better herself, but she was trying to put on a brave face.

When did I become so lucky and get such amazing people I could call family?

"Shhh, she's a strong girl, you know that right? Watch tomorrow, she's going to fighting with Kade again," Christy laughed quietly.

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