"Its Complicated"

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After school, I went to Veronica's house and confessed all that occurred today.

"Way to kick off the school year!" She teased, nudging my arm.

A tingle itched against my skin and a noise arose in the room. This was the third time Hayes texted me.

"Again?" She asked, "Why aren't you responding back?"

"I just don't wanna seem easy. Its complicated, you know. I just kissed him like that but I want him to work for me," I explained

"But he already knows you're his," Veronica responded.

"Exactly," I said, "He already knows but I don't want him to be so sure of himself!"

"Gee what happened to you? Its like I'm seeing a whole new," she waves her hand over my face and says,"A whole new Cara."

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed another blueberry, "Change is good!"

"True, okay my turn!" She waved her hands in the air, "Will Austin is so cute! You know, in our 6th period?"


The next morning I arose and got myself ready. Unanswered questions remained in my mind. It captivated my thoughts and made my stomach do backflips.

I wanted Hayes to work for me, but that would mean I have to tell him we aren't a couple.

Which could possibly sever our rocky "relationship"


"Flirtship"- honestly I don't even know what we are.

Whatever our relations to each other were, it could be damaged. Not only will it wreck his emotions, but what if I choke under the pressure?

I can only resist him so long, my unresolved feelings and emotions pile on each other and honestly I have no idea how long I can last before budging.

"ITS ALL ABOUT THE CHASE!" My gut screams and sends word to my brain.

Guys are all about the chase, the thrill, the exhilaration, and I'm trying my best to play hard to get.


"Hey cutie!" A voice intrudes my thoughts and makes me shriek.

The hazy voice is none other Hayes. He wraps his arms around my waist, making me face flash red from embarrassment.

He sneaks a kiss on my cheek and, again, my face sizzles from embarrassment. "Can I tell my friends you're mine now?" He chuckles.

Oh you're so sure of yourself aren't you?

"Hayes," I unlatch from his embrace and turn to face his flawless face. "We aren't dating yet.. You need to woo me again," I explain.

Man, I suck at knowing what to say. I suck I suck, I suck! I'm such a fail!

Hayes' dazzling blue eyes widen, his eyebrows scrunch together, and his upper lip begins to quiver. "What do you mean we aren't dating?"

"Uhh," my voice shakes, "You never asked me out."

His mouth opens and he begins to attempt to formulate a sentence, but the advisory bell rings and I quickly fumble away to escape from him.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap!" I grunt between my teeth as I walk.

"Bye Cara!" Hates shouts from the distance as my heart race beats faster.

Don't look back and keep going.


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