Chapter 3: Alone

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Cara's POV*

7 days. 7 whole days. Its been a week since Hayes arrived in North Carolina, and confessed his feelings for me. It amazed me how fast human interaction is. Word travelled uneasily quick.

The amount of hate I've gotten in a week scares me to the bone. I acquired a new fear of looking into someone's eyes. I have a new fear of listening to the echoing words that bounce off the hallway walls.  Whispers coming from the back of my mind, slice my confidece in half. There isn't an escape from everyone. Not when your mind is constantly repeating and repeating insults. Replaying when I saw girl whisper 'slut,' towards me. When I saw people turn around when they saw me.

Rejection hurts.

I still wonder if Hayes is worth it. I mean is he worth all the hate? Does he mean enough to me, that I'll just become anti social just so I can have him?

My mind comes to an ease when memories flash before my eyes, of him and I.

Wednesday, he gave me flowers, Thursday, we went out bowling, which I am pro at, Friday, we penny-boarded to an ice cream shop, and for the last two days we cuddled and watched movies.

Shoot we're one of those tumblr couples. Dang it.

Hayes is so worth it. A charming lad like him, is worth it. Maybe it was the fact that I latched onto him way before this whole 'I like you, but like, like like' stage occurred.

I felt atap on my shoulder, which sends a chill down my spine. Is it a jealous girl waiting to punch me? Hey you never know. I whipped around to view a blond haired girl, wearing skinny jeans and a hoodie.

She's breathtaking. I'm straight, but she's gorgeous. Her slim face, plump rose red lips and big oval eyes can paralyze any guy our age. Not to mention her teeth are pearly white, magnificently aligned.

"Sorry to bother you, but you're the girl dating Hayes? I'm Veronica." She missed pronounced "Hayes" so I have hope her mission isn't to kill me.

"Yeah," I replied, where is this going?

"I see you walk the halls with your head down and I feel sorry for you... I've been bullied before and you must need a friend by your side!"

I smiled, but I can't help think she has an ulterior motive... I'll take my chance on her, because I'm desperate.

"Do you like Magcon?" I asked.

"Not really. Sorry to bust your bubble! I spend too much time surfing to obsess over boys.... No offense," She said.

My frown turned away, and began to form a faint smile. I needed someone. I needed her. She doesn't seem so bad. I needed someone.

"You know Veronica, I think I'd be down to have you as a friend." We both smiled.

"Thanks Cara, I'm actually in three of your periods..."

I never noticed her... Oops. We talk until the bell rings for home room, and we walk side by side the entire day. I don't feel so alone with Hayes and Veronica with me.

Hayes' POV**

Cara introduced me to Veronica in 2nd period. The first thing I notice about her is how she doesn't flinch or freak out when she meets me. Its like I'm any other guy.  

She's cool and nice. We walk the halls side by side and eat lunch together. I'm glad Cara has a friend, since I know how lonely she feels.

After school, Veronica and Cara hang out so I guess I'll just lay off Cara for a day...

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