Chapter 4: Paradise Misconception

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Cara's POV*

I don't care of a tornado hits North Carolina, if the sun disappears for a while, I'm happy. I'm happy, me, Cara Acosta, is excited. Insults slide off my back as if I wore a bulletproof vest. I'm amazed.

I'm happier than I've ever been before. Nobody can change that. Nobody.

I have the perfect life. I have the sweetest and most thoughtful boyfriend ever. We've been on 3 perfectly planned dates.

I reconnected with two of my old childhood best friends, Blaire and Clarie. Yeah, they're twin sisters. They transferred to my school and everything is perfect. Veronica, Blair, Claire and I are the perfect team.

I'm unbreakable with them by my side.


"Hey sluts, how's everything going?" Matthew Cruise mischievously laughed and looked back to his basketball team members for approval. They all laughed in unison, slapping each other on their arms.

I analyzed every one of them. All eight of them. All of whom were ether wearing roshe runs or sneakers, typical. They all shared hair lines with an overuse of gel, and I could  smell their axe bodyspray radiating from their bodies.  Typical jerks for you.

"GET LOST BUZZO, AT LEAST SHE ISN'T THE ONE WHO'S BEEN REJECTED BY THE SAME PERSON 5 TIMES!" Screamed Veronica, as the legendary clique walked away. Lately, she's been proving her self more and more to me that she's a true friend. Although, I'm very shy. I would've never had the courage to scream such bold words to people who have social power. Matthew and his cilque dominate our school. I brushed my fear away remembering I have people with me.

"TELL 'EM V!" Blaire cackled, slapping her knee. Within this moment, I felt secure. I felt like I wasn't alone. I didn't have to care about my hate, because I had my friends to keep me sane. I relied on them for my sanity. They've grown so close to Veronica as well, you would've assumed we've known each other forever.

As the laughter died down, Hayes approached me. His walk. His unsteady footing. Something is different. Odd. Peculiar. Not the same. I tense up, but its too late. He's already in front of me.

"Hey baby", Hayes said causally. I grin nervously, trying to scan him.

"Great," I dismissed, and my eyes roamed his body. I avoid his eyes, because that will cause my breathing unsteady. Something is wrong, my gut said.

Scanning his chiseled features was a little uneasy, because my friends were staring at me, wonderingly. I bit inside my cheek, and continued to examine him. Until I finally see it.

"Um.. Babe, why do you have bruised knuckles?" I asked.

"I... I u-um. got i-iin a f... fightt." My jaw dropped as my eyes widened.


"Well... Um....." he tried to explain.

I looked at Blaire, Claire and Veronica, they were as shocked as I was.

"CARA! One of the hockey guys were talking bad about you. So.. So... So I taught them a lesson," He spat out.

I was happy that he stood up for me, but disappointed he resolved to violence. Woah, what was I thinking? "Disappointed in violence?" I sounded like a hippie or something. I've been wanting punch all of my bullies, but I never had the guts. Hayes had enough guts to do it for me.

"Baby, I'm --" I got cut off by the school bell, signaling me to go to my 5th period.

While my english teacher taught about essay tips and tricks, I thought long and hard about my relationship with Hayes.

I zooned off the rest off all my classes.
The lingering sound of the bell was still buzzing in my ears. My notebook laid upon my desk, and I glanced around to see empty desks and a large line of students exiting the room. I quickly grabbed my bag from the back of my chair onto the wooden desk, and shoved my notebook into it. I scrunched my lips as I stood up and zipped my bag shut, before slinging it around my left shoulder.

Mrs. Lanay, my English teacher, sat properly in her cushioned chair placed in the front of the class. Right next to the large promethean board. Her computer was open on her desk, with her attention gravitated towards the screen. With perfect posture and slicked back hair that formed into a perfect bun that complimented her oval face, I saw the glare from her screen reflected on her face. I then quickly made my way towards the exit.

Blaire, Claire and Veronica realized I needed time alone so they all said , "We're here if you need us. Call us later babe!"

I was so out of it while I was crossing the street, I didn't notice the car speeding ahead.

Everything became pitch black in less than a minute.

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