Chapter 16 Just Vistiting

Start from the beginning

*They were surprised and looked back at you
"Woah how does it work?"Chara
"Well it repeats whatever it hears and repeats it, like an Echo"you replied

Echo Flower:"Woah how does it work"

"Wait then the words from earlier were from.."Frisk
said as she looked at you
"Hmm..It was saying that whole time.I got close to it because I was making sure it didn't say anything weird"you replied

*They gave you "I don't believe you" look
"Well you can't prove it was me so let's go up ahead more.Were almost at my friend's place"
"Sure...whatever"Frisk and Chara
"Well if you want I can repeat what the Echo Flower said if your that unhappy about it"you offered with smile
*They both blushed

"What are you saying, let's just go!"Flustered Chara said
"Hmm I can say it right now.I don't mind telling the truth."you said with a smirk
*They both got redder
*You started to laugh a little
"Why are you laughing at?!"Red face Chara
"Pfft.Nothing let's go Asriel I think you might like this place up ahead"you said holding on to Asriel
"Wait!"Red face Frisk
*You turn around with a smug look
*They didn't say anything
"If you're not moving I'm going to hold your hand again"you said
*You see them to start to walking and you all continue onward until you arrived at an area that had two houses that looks like there gonna fall.You knocked on one of the pink house's door.No response.

*You knocked on the grey house's front door.The door opened and someone came out.
*It was Napstablook

"Hey Napstablook is it alright if we could come in?"You asked
*Napstablook looks over you and sees Asriel, Frisk,and Chara.
"Oh don't worry about them they're nice I promise"
"Well...If you say so.Then please come in"Napstablook said
*You all entered inside

*You laid down on the floor getting comfortable on your left side while Asriel sat on your left and Chara and Frisk sat on your right while you face the

"Would you like something to eat?"Napstablook
"It's alright Napstablook we had something to eat before we went here"you replied
"Oh...ok"Napstablook said in a sad tone
"I-I'll have something to eat"Frisk said
*Napstablook faced perked up and headed to his fridge

"Hm.Your too nice Frisk"you said
"He just looked sad.I can't help it"Frisk
*You chuckled knowing what's about to happened

*Napstablook returns with a transparent sandwich
"Here you go...a Ghost sandwich"Napstablook smiles
*Looks like a normal sandwich...just transparent

"Psst Asriel,Chara watch what's gonna happen"you whispered
*You all looked at Frisk who was about to grab the Ghost sandwich.It fell through her hands then the floor.
*Ghost sandwich has gone to the center of the planet

"Oh that's too bad...sorry..."Napstablook said then faded away
"What happened?!D-Did I do something wrong?!"Frisk said in a panic
"Nah it's alright.He'll come back sooner or later.He has guests here after all"you said to calm her down

*You laid on your back and got comfortable.You closed your eyes
*Frisk,Chara and Asriel are above you as you notice the light disappeared from your eyes

"Um...problem?"You said with your left eye open
"Yeah we're bored and all you've done since you got here was laid down on the floor"Chara
"Well..."you said and think for a moment

"Hey Napstablook can you show them your family tradition"you called out
*Napstablook reappears
"Oh alright"Napstablook said

"Just listen to his instructions and you see why I'm laying down"you said
"Well first, you have to all lay down.Not moving until you feel like leaving.And feel like garbage"Napstablook

"Wait what"Chara
"Shh just follow along"you said
*They all laid down.A moment pass
(Oh here it comes)
"Woooohhh"They said
*You Smiled

"Feeling like garbage is the best huh"You said"Yeah"They said said as the floor beneath turned into a view of somewhere in the cosmos

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"Feeling like garbage is the best huh"You said
"Yeah"They said said as the floor beneath turned into a view of somewhere in the cosmos

*You all layed down for the rest of the evening until it was time to go back home
*You all got up and went towards the front door as you said your goodbyes to Napstablook

"Awww do we really have to go?"Asriel said as he followed behind you
"Yes because we spended too much time exploring around.Plus we can head back here tomorrow"you said
"Aw ok then"Asriel
*You hear your phone ring
*You picked up the phone

"Hello?"You said
"(Y/N) its time to report back what you found out about the humans"Gaster
"Oh but I'm about to head home and call it a day"
"Wait where are you now?"Gaster
"Then bring them with you"Gaster
"No way I can't do that!Queen Toriel is gonna kill me if she finds out"
"Don't worry just head to the lab.Just make the Monitors watched them.That is their job after all."Gaster
"Well if you say so"
*Call ended

"What happened?"Frisk
"Well the trips not over and instead of going home your going to have follow me to the Lab.Gaster wanted me to bring you along"
*They had a nervous look
"Oh don't be like that.Gaster is a really cool guy when you get use to him"
*They seem unconvinced
"I promise I will protect you if he even thinks of touching you two.And if you feel uncomfortable then we can just go and leave.Okay?"You said
*They hesitated a bit but agreed

"Ok we're off to Hotland"

Next time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now