"Belle, get ready for school or we'll be late."

During breakfast, Keith cleared his throat. "I hear there's final practice today."

"Yeah," I said.

"It ends at four, so I expect you here by four thirty."

I smiled, glad. "Thanks, Dad." I stood up and kissed his cheek. "You're the best!"

"Finish your breakfast!" he yelled, embarrassed, as I ran out.

Warren was already at the car. He opened my door for me, then waited for me to buckle up before he drove.

"Do we have to attend her prom?"

"I must keep my word."


"Calm down, little one. It will not be as tedious as you expect."

I kept silent on that. He had no idea how phobic I was to dresses now. It seemed like every time I wore one - or a skirt - Vincent was drawn to me like a moth to a flame. Speaking of Vince, I couldn't wait to see Victor. I didn't know if Warren would let me - they'd already proven that having them in the same room while they worked together was a disaster. Who knew what would happen if they weren't...

Warren took my hand as we walked into the hall, his grip a little tight. "Something wrong?" I asked.

He smiled enigmatically at me. "Not that I'm aware of. You will survive your lessons, won't you?"

I looked up at him. Was he worried about my fear of being away from him? "I guess I'll have to."

"Indeed you will." He looked over my head and snickered. "Your comrades despise me and are currently headed here on a rescue mission."

"What do I tell them?"

"Whatever you please." He kissed my forehead. "Enjoy."

I turned into tight hugs and rapid questions. It was so normal I laughed. "Guys, guys! If you want any info, slow down!"

"Fine," Derek said. "Lunchtime?"

"You are not sitting with the team today," Anya threatened.

"Okay, alright!" I agreed.

At lunchtime, I obediently went and sat with my friends, casting glances at Warren's table. He wasn't there yet and I felt a flicker of unease. Dismissing it, I focused on my friends, telling them the abridged version of my adventures. A few minutes into it, I felt Warren's arm around my shoulders as he slid into the chair next to me, placing my food in front of me. "Abandoning me, love?" he teased, kissing my temple.

I shook my head."I thought you heard us," I breathed back, then aloud, "Thanks for this."

The table was silent. We both looked up. "Do not mind my presence, friends," he said carelessly. "My love and I are a package deal."

"Uh, right," Anya said nervously.

"Anyway," I said, and went on with my story. I left out the Romeras...and the amulet...and the private jet. It turned out to be a really short story. "So, that's it. Anyone seen Victor?"

They shared puzzled glances. "I don't think he's been in school," Chuck supplied.

"Whipped," someone fake coughed behind us.

Warren and I turned to find the basketball team pretending not to notice us.

"So whipped," Chris fake coughed.

Warren raised a brow, grinning. "Do you need medical assistance, Christian?"

"Totally whipped," Luc joined in, then thumped his chest. "Oh man! Must be a bug going around."

Content To Be Claimed (Beauty And The Beast #1)Where stories live. Discover now