"I cannot begin to fathom what you lost," he said softly. I looked up, puzzled, and he went on, "To have lost your mother and your closest friend within mere months. I understand now why it took such a toll on you."

I'd never thought of it like that. The two incidents were so separate for me, so different - each devastating in it's own way - that I'd never realised that the cumulative power must have crushed me... I hadn't just been mourning Connor when I shut down, I realised.

When I remained silent, gazing at my hands, he asked softly, "Will you not tell me more about her?"

I looked up at his earnest eyes and told him all about the woman who'd held my family together.


I didn't want to wake up - I was pretty sure I was in a magical place. A spell was being cast on me, a musical one, and I knew I belonged to this world of music. Waking up now would only wreck it.

There was nothing I could do, though - I had to wake up. I opened one reluctant eye then realised that the music was, if anything, clearer. I sat up slowly, mesmerized.

I was in a room. It looked huge and from the immaculate furniture, I figured I was in Strandton House. I was lying on a couch, covered with a quilt. On the couch facing me was Warren, sitting on the back as usual. He was caught up in the music as he coaxed sweet notes from an acoustic guitar, his gaze on it as he hummed. He was barefoot, his hair pulled back in a tiny, messy bun as his chain and dog tag swung free of his shirt.

In that moment he could have passed for any other insanely hot artist, a guitarist who cared about nothing but the music.

As I stared, riveted, he slowly raised his eyes to me, bringing the melody to an end. His smile was slow as if he was coming back down to this plane of existence. "How was your rest?"

"Great," I said wonderingly. I threw off the quilt, moving to his couch. "I didn't know you played."

"Not many do, none among those who know me in this age." He shrugged, strumming absently. "Did you search for me in your dreams?" When I blushed, he chuckled. "Your blush is very sweet."


He smiled and started strumming a new song. I gasp when I realised that he was strumming my lullaby. This afternoon, among many other things, I'd told him about the lullaby my mother used to sing, and at his insistence I'd hummed a bit of it. For him to be confidently strumming it now was beyond amazing. "Will you sing for me, love?"

I nodded and started singing. As I did, a rush of emotions swamped me. I hadn't heard this song since Mom died, hadn't realised until right now how much I missed it. As I sang, I felt it soothe me over her loss as it had soothed so much in the past.

My eyes flew open as another, husky voice joined in. Warren's voice had me melting right on the spot. It was rich and deep with just a hint of smokiness to make my insides turn to mush. I faltered, listening to him, and he turned deep eyes on me. For a moment our eyes stayed locked and he brought the song to a sweet finish. Carefully setting the guitar aside, he cupped my face and wiped away my tears. "Was that too presumptuous of me?"

"No, it was perfect. You're perfect. Thank you."

He kissed my forehead then drew back. His tender smile turned wicked. "Shall I let my father in or turn him away at the door?"

I breathed a laugh, getting myself under control. "Let him in."

Kyle sauntered in, grinning. "You are quite the duo, aren't you? I thought you'd sworn off music, son?"

"Much has changed because of her," Warren replied huskily, and I blushed.

"I must say, Belle, you are quite mobile for one who is grounded."

Content To Be Claimed (Beauty And The Beast #1)Where stories live. Discover now