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When I woke up, I was laying on a bed. I sat up but was pushed back down by a searing pain in my head. "Baby"I heard a familiar voice say. I opened my eyes to see Nicole make her way to me. She laid her hand on mine. "What happened"? She questioned almost breathlessly. "I-I- don't"-"It's okay, don't strain" she soothed. She laid her hand (softly ) on the white gauze that wrapped around my head. I minced at first. "I'm sorry" she apologized. "You didn't do anything" I said. She looked nervously down at the ground.
Suddenly, the door opened. Revealing Cap. He looked surprised to see me. "Joe, I'm glad to see you" he greeted. I nodded. Nicole wiped a tear from her eye before exiting the room.
Cap and I began to talk about the situation.
He told me Derrick and I would have to go back to Iran. I don't know how I was s'pose to explain this to Derrick or further more...Nicole. He said our families would be put into witness protection. He had to rush out but left me a folder to refer to if I had any questions.
*Later that night*
Nicole and I laid in bed, Kailaieah was being propped up by my hands. She watched us, letting out an occasional drool under her pacifier. "She looks just like you" I said looking from my daughter to my wife. "She's got some of your features too" she said. "She's got your eyes, your hair, your ears... Yea" she explained. I knew I had to tell her about me going back... But I didn't know how. I remember seeing the look on her face the first time I told her I was leaving. Now there's a lot more at stake. Not only my wife, but my Daughter.
"How would you feel about me going back"? I asked curiously. Nicole's eyes shot over at me surprisedly. "What"? She questioned. "What would you say if I decided to re-Inlist"? I asked quickly. She looked at me in disbelief. She scoffed. "Are you serious"? She questioned. I nodded, trying not to say anything stupid.
"Joe" she said, rolling off of the bed. She walked out of the room. I sat up ( still holding Kai) I made my way (slowly) downstairs. I handed Kai to Shauna on my way out. I followed her to their back deck. "Nicole" I called. She faced away from me. I made my way across (what I thought) was a long deck. To her. "Nicole" I repeated, not getting a reaction. "I'm sorry, but it's something I need"-"Exactly something YOU need Joe, you're so inconsiderate sometimes. Why don't you think about what I need or most important what your DAUGHTER needs, She doesn't need this- she's six months old, Kai doesn't need someone walking in and out of her life constantly, neither do I" her words almost hurt to hear.
"It was just a suggestion" I tried to recover. "You CAN'T go back" she said, I could hear a crack in her voice. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. "You can't leave" she kept repeating. "Nicole, what's wrong with you" I questioned "TALK to me" I said, grabbing her shoulders. "I know you don't want me to leave you and Kailaieah, but"-"it's not that Joe" she interrupted suspiciously. "Then what's wrong baby"?-"I-I don't understand" I questioned, trying to get it out of her.
"I'm pregnant Joe" she said

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