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*Joe's P.O.V*
I talked to Cap...AND Derrick. Cap said we could wait a couple months , but no longer. (They did have to have a steady plan) Derrick and I both talked to our wife's and Derrick to his boys. It was hard. Nicole and I have been buying baby clothes. I've been thinking alot, maybe I should go out for good after this mission.
*About 3 months later*
V(Nicole's P.O.V)
Things have quieted down quite a bit. Joe and I have thought a lot about everything. We're looking at new houses. Joe and I were also looking at baby names.
Today, Shauna and I are going to look at a house that Joe and I both like. I sat in the living room dressing Kailaieah. Joe came and sat next to me. Kai started to squirm. I motioned for Joe to hand me Kai's bottle. He did and I handed it to Kai. Joe has had a lot of expirience now that he's been home. He was there when Kai took her first step. She still crawls but, she's slowly getting to where she's walking.
"So what time to you think y'all will be back"? Joe questioned curiously. "Well, it takes about 30 minutes to get there and we're gonna get a tour, so about an hour maybe two" I answered. He nodded. "Why"? I questioned. "Because, Derrick wanted to take the boys out" he answered. "That's fine...We might get something to eat" I said.
I stood up with Kai in my arms as she continued to drink her bottle. He kissed Kai on her forehead. "Ugh" I huffed. "What"? He questioned. "I didn't get one" I said. He leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead. I glared up at him. "What? You said you wanted one"-"But I'm your wife; I get a little more" I said. He smiled at me before connecting our lips.
"Nicole"! Shauna's voice called. "In here" I called back. She came in holding her youngest son- Nickie- "Are you ready"? She asked curiously "Um, Is Kai's carseat in your car"? I asked. "No, I knew there was something I was forgetting"-"It's okay, I'll just use our car...Is that okay Joe"? I asked. He nodded, "Yea, let me go get the keys" he said, climbing the stairs. He disappeared for a couple minutes. He came back down and gave the keys to me. Shauna and I made our way out the front door. "Bye mommy" Shauna's boys called after her. "Bye...Be good" She said as we went down the porch steps. She quickly went to her car and me to mine. I quickly strapped Kai into her carseat. As I turned around. Joe was standing there. He went to Kai and kissed her. He wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me. "I love you" he spoke. "Love you too" I said, going to sit in the driver's seat. "Okay; drive safe" he said, stepping back. I nodded as I closed the door. He waved to Kai as I pulled out. I pulled out my phone and called Shauna as I drove. I put the phone on speaker. "So, did the lady tell you when the tour starts"? I asked curiously. "She said she's got another house she's gotta be at before ours, so" "okay" I said as I continued to drive.
*about an hour later*
Shauna and I stood in front of the lady, holding our children as she explained a little Backround information about the house. "So, how much is rent"? Shauna asked. "It's 450$ a month" she answered "so, I don't know what you guys want; but you can take a look around the house; I've gotta take this call" she excused herself. "So, have you and Joe talked about names yet"? She asked curiously. "Well, we find out the gender, NEXT...week I believe; but for a boy we're thinking Kaeden Joseph, and for a girl; Kennedy Michelle."-"Those are cute" she said. "Do you think Kai'll be a good big sister"? "Of course, I mean she'll be a year old by the time the baby's born, so" I said. We went through each room, it was gorgeous, perfect for a growing family.
About 20 minutes later; we were done and we were getting into our cars. Shauna pulled out of the drive way first. Just as I was pulling out, our car was blind sided. After that, I don't remember anything.

War ZoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora