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The senior class sat anxiously in their seats, not a single person paying attention. Everyone had their eyes on the clock, waiting for the bell to ring and signal their freedom. It was nerve-wracking, their last day of high school. The underclassmen all had another week or so more, but in two minutes, the seniors would be done.

Ethan was shaking his leg in his chair, eyes darting around the room and back to the clock every few seconds. It was definitely ticking by slower than it should. Each second that passed felt like ten. He just wanted it to be over with.

Senior year had not been the best for Ethan.

Heartbreak, loneliness, feeling lost--it had all left behind a single rotting peach. There were good moments too, but you cannot save something that's already gone bad. He knew time was running out. He couldn't keep pushing everything down and ignoring signs.

But today... Ethan was going to enjoy today. He was determined to do so, actually.

As soon as they were out, everyone was driving up to the lake to celebrate. It was a bit of a drive, but they were getting out at noon (and were about to finish high school) so it didn't really matter.

The last time he was up at the lake was in February, when Phoenix and him went away for a weekend to her parents cabin. They were on... decent terms right now.

Since prom, Ethan had been trying to focus on himself instead of her or Alondra. He had talked to them both a couple of times, mostly in passing at school. God, he missed them though, and he knew that was bad.

Despite trying to focus on himself, he still found himself thinking about them both almost constantly. How could he not?

He didn't want to--not exactly. He wouldn't quite change having them both in his life, but if there were a way to make things easier he'd probably take it. Ethan loved both of them. They meant the absolute world to him, and it was embarrassing for him to admit just how much he would do for them if they asked, because he would do anything.

Was it wrong, for him to love them both? Maybe. Did it make him a bad person? He'd like to think it just meant he was too caring, that he fell too hard. Even with their flaws, they were both the most perfect girls he had ever met. Or maybe he was just whipped. Or maybe both--he didn't dare question it. If loving them both made him a bad person, then string him up for his crimes.

Ethan didn't have much more time to dwell on it, because the bell was ringing.

With a nervous grin, he, along with every other senior in the building, flooded the halls. Everyone was buzzing with excited chatter, cheering as they greeted their friends.

The peach pit in his chest rattled against his bones, a small frown wiping the smile from his face. Ethan wasn't really close with the two people he should be with--that he wanted to be with--right now.

But he did have Grayson, who was approaching him, bouncing on his feet. "We're done, bro!"

Ethan laughed, shaking away his thoughts as he hugged his brother. "Finally. I'm so ready for this summer... I have a feeling I'm really gonna get away from all these problems and shit."

"That's the spirit," Grayson said, slapping his brother on the back. "I'm gonna catch up with a couple of people before we go. Meet you at the car?"

He nods, heading off toward his locker. Ethan shoves everything in there into his bag haphazardly, hoping to never need to open it again. As he slams it shut, he jumps when seeing Alondra on the other side of it.

"Holy shit!" He yelps, falling directly backward. "Alondra."

She laughs and offers him a hand, "I can't believe you fell right on your ass like that. Why so jumpy?"

PEACH :: ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now