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Ethan's thoughts were tearing him apart.

Had he made any real choices for himself this entire year? They were almost six months into it and every important decision in his life, especially all the ones that ended with him getting hurt, seemed to be things other people decided for him.

Why did everyone insist they knew what was best for him? They were all obviously wrong, because he could feel the sweetness had faded from the peach, turning him bitter.

Phoenix and Alondra had consumed him. They took turns taking bites of what they wanted and left him to turn bad.

Now, Ethan had almost nothing left of himself of his heart.

He had to accept that love was never going to be convenient. His life isn't a movie, there won't be a soundtrack playing as he just decides which girl he wants--as if that was the only issue--to spend his life with while the credits roll on a happy ending. It wouldn't be that simple.

Even the idea of having to choose one of them made him sick. Ethan definitely hadn't thought about that, but right now, he was way too upset over what Alondra said to try and think about anything else.

He didn't have a plan when he left, he just started walking. Of course, he found himself outside of the fro-yo place Alondra liked.

With a sigh, he goes inside. It was empty, other than a single employee and a girl sitting on the counter talking to them. She obviously didn't work there, but they closed soon so she was probably just hanging out with her friend. She was wearing a red crop top, had bright red hair and lipstick, and was eating cherry fro-yo with a smile.

Finally, escaping the peach he seemed to be surrounded by. Cherry was good, he could handle cherry.

"Can I get a medium cherry?" He mumbles, pulling out his wallet.

"Whatcha all dressed up for?" The girl asks, leaning forward. Her friend laughs quietly and moves to get his order.

"Fucking prom."

She nods slowly, hopping down from the counter. "Wanna talk about it? I had a shitty prom last year too."

"It's been a rough few months with some girls--tonight was just kind of the cherry on top," Ethan sighs, mumbling a thanks as he's handed his fro-yo.

"A player?" She smirks, placing a hand on her hip. "You don't look like the type. I'm Miranda."

"Ethan," he nods, letting the treat melt in his mouth. "It's not like that. It's really complicated, I guess. They both just... stress me out. I needed some air."

Miranda asks him to elaborate, and he just spills everything. Not on any major details, just the highlights. He needed someone who he didn't know to talk to, because everyone else would try and insert themselves. A stranger couldn't do that. Ethan thought he was being careful, but as it turns out he was just sliding out of control. It was ridiculous the lack of awareness he had when it came to both of them.

As he's droning on to Miranda--who is a spectacular listener--his phone buzzes. He really doesn't want to answer, but knows he should.

Grayson: dude where are you?
Grayson: we're worried
Grayson: phoenix and alondra are literally searching for you. together.
Ethan: im fuckin fine damn
Ethan: why are you all so constantly fucking worried about my life im not a child

The fact that they were together was intimidating. What the hell would they talk about?

"Friends worried?" Miranda smiles. Ethan nods, tugging on his shirt collar. "They seem like good people. Misguided, but at least they care about you."

PEACH :: ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now