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I fell to the floor as the gold dust stopped circling around me.

"Son of a gun! That hurt more than when that kid at the orphanage latched onto my arm with her teeth!"

"Mercy? Is that you?" I sat straight up when I heard an unfamiliar English accent and saw a man in a bow tie running towards me.

"What are you doing on the floor? Come on! Get up!"
Nothing made sense all of a sudden and as soon as the man child pulled me up I smacked his hands away.

I watched as he faltered, "Mercy?"

"Don't Mercy me!" I screamed at him, "Who in Caeser's Ghost are you?! Where in the fudge nuggets am I?! How do you even know my flipping name, man?!"

The man child made his way towards me, "I'm warning you! I can fight-!" He ignored me and grabbed my shoulders, "Mercy, are you telling me that you have no idea who I am?"

I looked at him weirdly, "Look, man, I don't even know how I flipping got here so how in the name of Sam Hill would I know who you are?"
The man child didn't say anything, only stared into my eyes, "Look dude can you stop staring at me like that? It's super creepy and I'm warning you again. I know how to fight."

He let go of my shoulders and started pacing around and brushing his hands through his hair, "Oh this just got complicated... how to start, how to start..." I watched him start running up a staircase and I just assumed that I should go up there too so I can find out what the ever-loving fudgesicle is going on.

"Excuse me, man but what the ever-loving- Oh God bless America!" I banged my toe on the staircase.

The dude peeped his head over the top of the staircase, "everything okay down there?"

I grimaced as I held my foot, "Everythings just peachy..."

"No, you idiot! I banged my freaking toe!"
The man child made a face and disappeared again, "For being a demigod- who's constantly in dangerous situations might I just add- you are very clumsy, Mercy."

My face went blank. How did he...? I didn't mention it at all. So how did he know I was a demigod?

I sprinted straight up the staircase, "How in the ever living biscuit did you know I was a demigod? The only way you would know that is A) You're a monster or B) you're also a demigod."

I stood there stiffly as the man stopped in his running around and he took a minute to smirk at me, "Or, Mercy, it could be because you've told me in the past- your future."

I furrowed my brow and crossed my arms, "What do you mean my future? What are you crazy?"

He started running around again, "I've been called that many times before so ha! It has no effect anymore! And to answer your question, I mean the fact that we constantly meet in a wonky order- at one point it'll be a future you and a past me and other times its the complete opposite!"

I collapsed onto a staircase step that went further up and started brushing out my hair, "But that means time travel and-" I glanced up towards him, "Dude, you're not telling me time traveling is real are you?!"

The dude chuckled, "Very much so, Miss Brown, and it just so happens that you are currently in a time machine- my ship to be exact."

My jaw dropped and I immediately started to fully look around at everything, "Oh, Caeser's ghost, Annabeth is going to kill me..."

The dude cracked up laughing and I scoffed, "if I had something to throw at you I would in a heartbeat I hope you realize that."

"Trust me, Mercy. I've met Annabeth a couple of times and I am very much aware how terrifying she can be."
I laughed a bit, suddenly wondering how much he'll get chewed out in the future by her and then I remembered. I still don't know his name.

I stood up again and shuffled over to him, "By the way, dude, you know my name but you still haven't told me yours..."
I jumped when he smacked himself on the forehead, "How did I remember everything else, but I forgot about one of the most important things?!" He started fiddling around with this center console like thing, "right then, My name's the Doctor and this ship is called the TARDIS."
I stared at him, "The what now?"
I rolled my eyes, "Oh thanks that explains so gosh dang much."

The Doctor made a face again and pointed at me from where he was now stood on the opposite side of the console, "Oi! I don't appreciate the sass this early in the game!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and walked around, "Get used to it-" I furrowed my brows, "Although if I travel around a lot with you then you should already be..."

The Doctor looked over, "don't worry, you'll get used to the tenses... I mean, I got used to seeing you appear in onesies all the time."
I had forgotten about the fact I was wearing a Stitch onesie.

"Anyways," The Doctor clapped his hands together, "TARDIS: Stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space," He leaned in as if to whisper, "Wait till you see what it looks like outside. That's always the best part."

I gave him a weird look, "Okay then...?"

He grinned, "Now, would you like to see your room, Miss Brown?" He seemed really excited about this. Not to mention that grin was contagious given I soon found one of my face as well.

"I would love to Doctor-" It finally set in, "wait I have a room on the TARDIS?"
"Of course you do!" He exclaimed, "Honestly, Your room is very nice- it even has a door that connects you to the pool!"

I stalled in my steps, "... You have a pool?"
"Mercy, Mercy, Mercy..." The Doctor sighed with a slight smile and I made a face as he booped my nose, "I have three, keep up."

I was suddenly in a daze, "three... pools?"
The Doctor continued walking without me but he did yell behind him, "There's also a fully stocked aquarium connected!"

I grabbed my hair and nodded in a daze still before following again, "Oh my gods I think I must've died and gone to a child of Poseidon's heaven." 


Sorry to self promote, but I have a Hobbit story out now! Also, please be kind to me this is my first time writing the 11th Doctor ack- 

-CC <3

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