I Make A(nother) Great Decision

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It's been a few days and I feel like crap.

I should eat, I tell myself that everyday but then my mind shuts the request down. I shouldn't, I don't deserve food.
I sigh as I roll out of bed, my stomach growls. I ignore it.

I slowly get ready for the day, grabbing my bus pass of the kitchen table. I walk to the bus stop in complete silence. I always go early and sit next to a rock near the bus stop. I can get my homework done there.

I pull my hood over my head. I don't want in interact with anyone right now.

I get started on my English homework.
By the time the bus pulls up, I have finished a good portion of my homework. I sit down on a seat near the back and hope nobody sits with me. Of course with my luck, someone sits with me. I advert my gaze and hope they don't know me.


Well that sure is a familiar voice.

"Hey there, Octavius." I smile sadly and turn to face him. I didn't realize he took this bus.

"I know you've been avoiding me." He starts. I feel really bad, "But, I wanted to see you. You haven't been looking so well."

Something about him still careing even though I had been ignoring him made me blush.

"Sorry." I say softly, trying to not give away any signs of pain, "I-"

I stop myself. I can't tell him why, can I? Even though Lance doesn't want to be my friend anymore, I feel bad. Maybe because, I care about how Octavius feels.

"I get it." He says, "It's awkward, with me and Lance dating. I'm just in the way, like always."

That struck me. I never thought Octavius felt that way.

"No." I whisper, "That's not it. I-"

"It's okay." Octavius has a look of pain on his face, just like how I feel, "Not many people want to be my friend."

That hurts my heart. I see him checking for a seat he could switch to. It's getting awkward, as we sit together.

Well, I guess it's now or never.

"No-" I grab Octavius' hand to make sure he stays.


I lean over and kiss him.

The only noise is the quiet sounds of the radio on the bus and chattering students.

(A/N: I love themmm.
Ive been basically t-posing my friend who ships Oct and Lance. Lol no hate.
How are y'all this fine day?)

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