Lance's Jokes Suck

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(Jedediah's POV)

I eagerly wait for the free period to end. Lance and I can't hang out during it today because he has to go to his socials class to do a test he missed.

Science was interesting, all we had to do was watch a Bill Nye video and take notes. Our class is rather easy for a grade ten class, but no one objects.
Finally the bell rings. I start off toward english.

"Jedediah!" a voice screeches at me.
I spin around and see Octavius.

"Hi Octavius" I say, waiting for him to catch up.

I open the door and mock bow. He giggles and walks through the door, I follow him.

"I usually sit near the back." I tell him. He follows me to the desk and he sits down next to me.

"Why is there a stuffy of a skeleton T-Rex on the teachers desk?" Octavius points out.

"It's name is Rexy." I explain, "Mr. Daily got it on Halloween last year, It lives there now."

Octavius looks confused but doesn't question any further.

"So what brings you to this high school?" I ask, "We don't get many new kids."

"Uh, it was the closest school to where I moved."

"Yeah but why did you move here?"

"I don't want to talk about it" He snaps at me and crosses his arms.

"Okay!" I put my hands up defensively.
There's an awkward silence. I tap my fingers on my desk, waiting for class to start so I don't have to deal with the awkwardness.

The class goes by quickly. We write a paper on a subject that interests us. I write about the Wild West, because I'm not obsessed. I try to look at what Octavius' writing but he covers his paper. It might take awhile for him to fully trust us.

After the class, I walk with him to our lunch table.

"So what do you think of our English class?" God I sound like an adult.
"Mr. Daily is really nice, and I really enjoy writing."

"Do you write stories or somethin'?" I ask, "If you do, I would like to read it sometime if that's okay with you!"

"Yeah, I write play scripts." He comments, "I don't feel confident enough to show anyone them yet though."

"Nice." I say, we approach the table where I can see Lance already, "Maybe someday?"


We sit down at our table.
"I think I did okay on my socials test." Lance tells us, "It was all on history and mythology so it was pretty easy."

"All my classes were easy so far, as always." Science and English are the easiest classes I have this semester.

I struggle with getting my lunch out of my backpack, I'm carrying a lot of textbooks with me today because I don't feel like going to my locker.

Octavius stifles a laugh. Lance is making horrible jokes again. Why does Octavius laugh at them? Probably to make a good first impression.

I join in on the conversation and we talk until the bell rings again.

(A/N: Yeet second chapter my friends. I am so tired imma go sleep even though it's like 4:30)

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