I'm Not Happy For My Overdramatic Friend

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I can see Lance spacing out during science. I ignore him and continue actually doing my work.

Instead of heading right to the cafeteria like I always do, I wander around a bit first.

When I walk into the cafeteria, he first thing I see is a blushing Octavius and an intensely happy Lance. Lance notices me and motions for me to come over. I sort of just stand there in the doorway.

I realize why I've been feeling horrible.

I like Octavius.

Like, I have a crush on him.

The realization hits me painfully hard. I pale and stare at them.

Tears well up in my eyes. Turning away, I walk down the hall once again. I need to talk to Amelia. She's nice and is the only other friend I have.

I'm not fully looking where I'm going. Looking down while walking fast is not a great idea.

I run right into someone and fall to the floor. I look up to see who it is. It's Ahkmenrah, he's part of the student organization that helps new kids. Basically everyone knows him, he's really popular.

"Sorry!" He yelps, he grabs my hand and pulls me up, "I was hurrying to a meeting with a friend and wasn't fully paying attention to my surroundings."

"I- It's fine" I try not to stutter as the tears roll down my face. I wipe away the tears and smile at him.

His face fills with worry, "Are you alright?" He questions.

Of course I'm not.

"I'm okay. Everything's okay." I say keeping my voice steady.

"Doesn't seem like it." Ahkmenrah hands me my textbooks that were scattered on the floor, "My name is Ahkmenrah. If you ever need help come find me in the hall where the history room is."

"Thanks." I whisper.

Ahkmenrah was completely different than I thought he would be. Most of the student council were jerks that just needed the experience. I feel guilty now, remembering when Lance stole his gold coloured clipboard, and I laughed because I thought he deserved it.

This is making me feel worse than I already do.

I arrive at the spot where Amelia sits. Of course, on a day where so much happens, she's not there.

I sink down and sit on the floor. I should hang out with Octavius and Lance tomorrow. They are still my friends.

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