Chapter 25: Freya and Victoria

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I leaned against the tomb and cleaned the blood off of my fingers. Mother has noticed so where is she. Doesn't matter, it'll all come together in time. She can take her sweet time, the more blood the better, isn't that a vampires saying?

I look down on one of the witches. She's pretty with blonde hair and big blue eyes but she's stupid for thinking she can win. Now her once bold eyes have turned to fear.

"Mother, I guess we're going to keep playing this game," I say and tilt her head back, "sorry you got caught up in this love."

"Enough!" I hear mother shout as I rip my fangs from her neck. I smile at mother but snap the girls neck.

"That's for keeping me waiting."

"What do I owe this visit to?"

"Dahlia," I say as I clean my mouth.

Mother frowns at me, "What about her?"

"Honestly, at first I didn't understand it but then I did some digging," I say and then smirk as I point a finger at her, "and you mother dearest, have a lot more secrets than I thought you did."

She sighs deeply, "Juliana I don't have time for this."

"I wonder if Mikael knows what really happened to Freya?" I tell her and she stops dead in her tracks. I hear Finn and Kol lurking by the tombs, "oh come on out brothers, I know you're there!"

Finn comes from the left and Kol from the right.

"Glad to see we're meeting under better circumstances," Kol says and I shoot him the middle finger.

"That's for betraying me," I say and look at mother, "do they know? I bet Finn does, you always favored him."

"Know what?" Kol asks and I smirk.

"But Kols a different story. You never really liked him. You never liked me either. You always favored everyone else."

"I loved all my children equally."

I do a dry laugh, "Sure mother. But back to my original point, Freya paid the price for your actions. And yet you lied to Mikael because let's face it, he loved her and if he knew what you did, well Elijah would've been the last child you had."

"Juliana what are you talking about? Freya died of plague."

"No Kol, she didn't. Our mother was infertile so she went to Dahlia, our aunt and all powerful witch, to make her fertile again. Well let's say other than vampirism she added another curse," I spit, "the first born had to die, ie Freya, and every generation after that. No wonder Hope died."

"Juliana, Kol you must realize I did that because if not then Dahlia would've risen. She would've risen and killed us all!"

I pin mother against the tomb, "Then we all stand against her as a family. When we actually all had power! You're weak mother, you let her control you! How can you protect your children when you're ready to give up your own!"

I see a tear trickle down her cheek, "Juliana you must understand, she'd kill us all."

"When would she have risen if Hope had survived."

Mother raises her eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because I want to see if you actually had a date to make your story more believable!"

"Fifth half Moon."
That's tonight.



"How do you know?"

"Because she can find me. She wants to attack my children! But we don't have to worry because mother had protected you all. You can be a mortal and have another child."

I get pissed, "How'd you know?"

She looks at me, "Oh honey, Victoria was the first threat at raising her."

I remember that all to clearly. Blue eyes, chubby cheeks, a bright smile. Then I remember the door breaking down. Blonde hair and vicious blue eyes. Hatred in his eyes. He looked at me, then my child and he pounced. I thought I had it handled. I thought he was defeated but I didn't take in one factor. My husband. He snuck up and stabbed her. I snapped his neck quickly.

"You sent Mikael. He was a distraction. You poisoned my husband. YOU KILLED MY CHILD?!" I shout and she taps my hand.

"Now you understand why I did it."

I nod, "And you'll understand why I do this."

With a quick motion, Finn and Kol are down. Mother see's the danger and she tries to body jump but I'm one step ahead of her.  Not going to happen. 

"Juliana, what are you doing?!" she shrieks and with a quick swerve of my wrist, she's out. I smile. Now it starts.
Time for a real family reunion.
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