Chapter 20: Niklaus' POV

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If there's one thing annoying, it's your parents. They sure know how to hold a grudge. My wrists were bound to vervain chains on each pillar and even if I wanted to break them, I couldn't. The others were imprisoned in the vervain jail and they ended up giving up. What a bunch of wimps.

Kol leaned against the wall and disgust washed over my face. I can't even bear to look at him. He killed our sister. Our baby sister! The sister we messed up with the first time and now had a chance to fix. He ruined everything.

"Come on Nik, you've done worse things, you've daggered your entire family before," Kol says and I roll my eyes.

"Yes but I never murdered one!"

Kol sighs, "You think it was easy for me?"

"Kol she was our little sister, you shouldn't have killed her."

Kol doesn't say anything. He looks at the ground and I can tell he's keeping something from us. He has a secret.

"Well Nik, time to begin," our psychopathic mother says. Everytime I struggle against the chains, vervain burns my wrists. I end up giving up as well.

"Esther hurry up, you know I want to take my time with him," Mikael says and sends me a sly grin. I let my head fall, this is really the end.

"Patience, we want to do this right now, don't we?"

Mikael retreats next to Finn. How can he look so self righteous? He's just as bad as them. He's murdered before. He's killed before. He's just as bad as we are. He just pretends he's not.

I try one last time and let a loud scream as it burns into my wrist.

"Tsk, Tsk, you always were stubborn and hard headed. Niklaus, you're done."

I see her mix some herbs and chant and draw some things. She slices her hand and let's blood fall on a dagger. She takes the dagger and holds it in her hand.


Mikael steps up, excitement on his face. He takes the red dagger from her hand and examines it. He squeezes it tightly and then looks at me.

"I'm going to take my time and enjoy this," he says and pushes the stake in. It doesn't hit my heart, no he went for my stomach and twists it. I scream, the pain is excruciating and he continues everywhere.

I take a short breaths and he holds it above me.

"This is your end...boy," he says and I close my eyes as it comes down. I hear a thud and when I look I see Mikael across the mausoleum and Juliana panting heavily in front of me.

"Juliana?" I croak and she sends me a small smile. She turns and faces a shocked Mikael and mother.

"I-I thought Kol killed you!" Mother shouts and Juliana smiles. Kol smirks, they had a plan all along.

"Yeah you thought."

"Juliana this is not your battle. Let your father finish off the bastard!"

She laughs, "Father? Father?! Oh Lord mother, you must be out of your mind. No way in Hell is he my father! No fucking way! I don't have parents, they died a loong time ago when they were stabbed at dinner.

"As for Niklaus, he is not a bastard. It is not his fault that you couldn't stay with one man. Its is your fault. If you think I'll let you just kill my brother you're crazy!"

Mikael shakes his head, "Foolish girl, you're our favorite but even favorites die. If I have to kill you first then I will. I am killing your brother."

Juliana holds her ground, "Come on Mikael, try me."

All I know is that Mikael ends up dead. Kol managed to sneak the white oak stake and stab Mikael only after Juliana took some beatings. She has a bruised face and a busted lip but she smiled.

"Who's next?"

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