Chapter 40: Aftermath

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I was used to Niklaus' paranoia but this was taking it to a whole new level. I was busy looking through spellbooks on ways to reinstate his sire link but it was quite difficult to concentrate with Niklaus breathing down my neck. I'm the most powerful right now to keep Niklaus hidden from his enemies and he has taken it to mean that he should just stay close by at all times.

"Niklaus," I say, "You're doing it again."

He moves back a couple steps but I still feel him breathing down my neck, "Sorry."

These spellbooks are proving to be pretty useless. There isn't anything about sire links and all I'm really waiting for is mother's grimoire that Davina has. But we aren't on good speaking terms since she broke the sire link for Niklaus.

Niklaus gets closer that his breath is once again on my neck.

"Freya!" I shout, standing up and going to the living room, "Watch him, I'm going to get the grimoire."

"Juliana, are you sure that's wise? You and Davina, in the same room?" Elijah asks, looking up from his book.

"Well these spell books are useless so there isn't any other option."

"Or maybe I can help," I hear a familiar voice behind us. I turn around to see Kol, leaning against the doorway, Davina behind him holding a book.

"Kol," I say, in shock, but then it makes sense, "Davina used Niklaus' power to bring you back didn't she?"

Davina doesn't say anything, but perhaps that's for the best.

"I brought the grimoire as a means to make peace," Kol says, taking it from Davina and holding it out to me.

"Peace?" Niklaus growls, I hold my hand out.

"Niklaus I've got this," I tell him, "Peace? She broke his sire line, she basically is allowing him to be a target to all sorts of enemies. Peace won't ever come between us, but maybe her throat will come in between my hands."

Elijah holds me back, I was pretty positive I was going to rip her throat out, "Okay perhaps we all need to calm down and take a deep breath."

"I'll calm down when she takes her last breath," I growl.

"As usual, Elijah is keeping the peace," another familiar voice echoes.

"No way," I whisper. Standing at the other doorway, Finn smirks.

"Well isn't this a family reunion," he mutters.


Mothers grimoire proved to be much more helpful but unfortunately, there was only  a brief mention of the sire line. I'm guessing mother made it that way so someone would have to go into the witch world to just ask them. Mother always loved to make everything more difficult than it needed to be.

The others were having a conversation, and it seemed pretty peaceful. So far no yelling or threatening to kill each other or breaking of glass. But I must've jinxed it because something happened.

"No!" I heard Finn shout, as I approached the courtyard of the compound.

"What is going on?" I shout.

"Davina cursed me!" Finn groans.

"Because he cursed Kol. He got him under the ancestors influence to turn him evil," Davina puts in and I rub the bridge of my nose. One peaceful day is all I ask for.

"Davina, I think it'd be best if you just leave," I tell her.


"You've  done enough, now it's time to deal with the aftermath," I remark. Kol is ready to stand up for her but she touches his arm.

"No she's right," Davina tells him, "I'll see you tomorrow."

With her gone, I turn all my attention on the issue causing all the issue; the matter of the last white oak bullet. You see there are two sides to this, one side wants to keep the white oak bullet around in case one of us decides to take the easy way out. The other side wants to destroy it.

I'm pretty sure you can guess who's on which side. Elijah and Finn are on the side of keeping it while Freya and Lucien are leaning towards that side too. I don't know why Lucien is here but he's been here a lot recently. I can't help but think about an ulterior motive he might have but that's not a big problem right now.

Niklaus, Kol and I are leaning towards the side of destroying it. Especially since Niklaus has no sire line to protect him. But Finn doesn't want to stay a monster and he wants a way out. But obviously, no one really cares that it can kill us.

"Okay Freya, you will hold on to it," Elijah says giving it to her.

She nods, "I'll go somewhere where it won't be able to found."

I shake my head, "Well that's the dumbest idea we've ever had."

"Why is it dumb?" Finn asks.

"Because our family knows the line of enemies lining up at our door and yet let's keep the only thing capable of killing us around. Not as if anyone will ever kill us," I say, "But clearly, you guys have everything figured out so do whatever."

I turn around, going back to the book. I have a bad feeling about this but it's not as though they'll listen anyway.

Sometimes, I hate being right.


So updated again :) thanks for reading!



Soooooo Lucien is bad, shocker shocker, and Aurora is still nuts. But Klaus and Cami are sooooo adorable. I loved the scene when Cami and Hayley were trying to save him and Aurora was hurting Cami and Klaus was just heartbroken. But it was cute overall. I kinda want Finn to come back so hoping that the Mikaelsons can finally be together. Also the ancestors are terrible. I really hope that they do something about the witches because the witches are sooo annoying. Anyway, overall I liked the episode and am excited for the next one.

Thanks for reading :) appreciating every single one of you

Stay fabulous xx

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