Chapter 13

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Bridgit's P.O.V

We were sitting down eating the Dinner that Joshua's parents made, until Joshua started the conversation, " So me and Bridgit have some news." He said and I just looked at him not wanting to tell his parents about our " Real" relationship. " Is She pregnant?" His mom said and I was so shocked when she said that, " What No!" He said laughing and I just shook my head, " Oh Thank god, you are too young, live your life first."

His mom said, and Joshua, looked at his parents and sister, " We are dating!" He said and they were so excited, " Finally you ask her out!" Winter said, " Aww, Well welcome to the family Bridgit!" His mom said, and I smiled, " Thank you!" Finally His Dad said, " I knew you two would get together soon, congratulations!"

I smiled," Thank you, and I know about time he asked me out!" I looked at Joshua and laughed, " I was just waiting for the perfect time!" He said and laughed. After we got done at dinner, we stayed around and talked.

" So how's your apartment, since you moved in was it last month?" His dad asked me, " Yes sir, and it's good, I work most the time to pay rent and stuff, but I love it." I said and Joshua spoke, " Yeah she loves it so much she's at my apartment everyday complaining how bored and lonely it is since she decided to live by herself."

He said and I smiled, " Hey, I sleep at my place and eat breakfast there half the time, and then lunch and dinner I stay at your place since Sofia and Larry live with you and I don't complain everyday!" I said and tilted my head to the side, " you're right sorry!" He said and laughed, " Thank you!" I smiled, " It's every second of the day!"

He said laughing, " Can I hurt him?" I asked his dad, " go ahead!" He said laughing, I punched Joshua in the arm." Ok ok I'll stop!" He said and laughed, " So how did you get a black eye, did you make her mad again!" His dad said and laughed remembering the last time Joshua made me mad I accidentally gave him a black eye.

" No not this time, we were at Matt's party last night and I got drunk and some guy was flirting with Bridgit and I got in a fight with him!" He said sighing, " It's true, I was sober by the way so I drove us home!" I said and his dad shook his head, " Well I understand the situation, but next time push the guy in the pool!" His dad said making a good point, " I will remember that dad!" Joshua said and I started laughing.

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