↘︎ chapter twenty-six

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26 | The Marauders Map and Hogsmeade visits

The school year at Hogwarts was progressing and it was already December, with snow covering the fields of Scotland, ice freezing over Black Lake, and several snowmen already in the schoolyard. Marley Macmillan's low shoes clattered across the stone floor as she carefully approached the One-Eyed Witch statue, followed closely by Fred and George Weasley. There was a new visit to Hogsmeade today and the teachers walked tightly to the huge group of students. There was only one boy standing there looking at them sadly. He had black unruly hair, green eyes and round glasses - Harry Potter.

It's been about a month and a half since Gryffindor lost to Hufflepuff and poor Harry's broom broke into the Whomping Willow. Christmas was approaching, and Harry had neither a broom, nor a visit to Hogsmeade, because his permit was not signed, because his aunt and uncle were such an awful peope. But Marley, out of strange concern, had decided to make Harry smile.

"Pppssst, Harry!" George whispered. The three of them had hidden behind the statue of the witch and watching for all the crowd to go. They had plans to go to Hogsmeade today and they should give the boy the Marauders Map quickly.

Harry looked around in confusion and looked at the statue, noticing the three familiar figures. Marley merely signaled him to follow them to one of the empty classrooms. They were leaving, and the girl heard the quick footsteps of Harry, who was already catching up with them. The four of them entered the empty classroom, and George closed the door.

"What's happening?" asked Harry. The three of them just grinned happily. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"We have something for you." said Fred with a big grin. "We wanted to give you something so at least you will be happy, you know?"

Harry just wrinkled his nose, still not aware of what was happening. Fred simply reached into his pocket and pulled out the map, but its essence was not revealed and it was just a piece of parchment. He handed it to Harry, and the boy twisted his black eyebrows.

"An old and cut piece of parchment?" he questioned and Marley noticed the bitter tones of sarcasm in his voice. "How can just a piece of parchement help me to feel better?"

"You definitely don't know what you're saying." George interjected in a feigned offensive voice.  "How can you say it's just a piece of parchment, Harry? This is not just parchment but the secret of our success. This is something great, and with that, the three of us have drawn the strongest punishments from Snape. And not only."

"This little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in this school." said Fred proudly. Harry left the secret map on one of the desks and the four of them gathered around it.

"Talk about yourself, Freddie." Marley shook her head, smiling. "Let me make this clear. I study, they don't. I know a lot of things from the teachers."

Fred and George playfully rolled their eyes. She knew that she was ruining their little dramatic play and she enjoyed it. So, the girl just smirked toward Harry, who still seemed confused how a piece of parchment could do all of that stuff they had just said.

"And because the idea of ​​this was none other than Marley's, it would be her honour to reveal the true look of the map." George put a hand on Marley's shoulder, grinning, but the girl's cheeks suddenly began to turn red, and she hurried to smile, trying to cover her red face. "You don't know how hard it is to get us out of our hearts, Harry, but sometimes the greatest ones make sacrifices."

Harry rolled his eyes in confusion, trying to suppress his smile in the meantime. Marley simply pulled out her wand and touched the parchment. Her hand trembled as she spoke. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

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