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From the ribbed wall that separated the room from the elevator area, Tony and Scott, who was sitting on the inventor's shoulder, watched the scene from a bygone era. They were all there. The six Avengers with whom it all began, not to mention Loki, who was handcuffed. But it only got more delicate when the black dressed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stepped out of the elevator to get the scepter.

Since Scott of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. has in truth always been HYDRA, only marginally knew about it, he could not know what these figures were who had just taken the golden scepter into custody. After Tony's clarification, in one sentence, it was all the more incomprehensible for Scott now, because these guys already looked like the bad guys.

"One second," said Scott as he watched, where Natasha handed the wand to a bald man and he went to a dark-haired man with a suitcase to safely wrap the golden staff, "This guy is telling me something. Why is he telling me something?"

"Would be sad if he didn't. Because he's the reason for every wrong decision our Assassin Monarch has made in recent years", it was the best and saddest example of what death could do to a person, and how Tony knew about himself, what that could mean for the future, "Meet the big bad brother. The resemblance should be unmistakable, and I might cautiously claim that she is the worse of the two..... but this is your stake little buddy. There's our rock."

Ready to be flicked away from Tony, Scott crouched down and prepared for his impending flight through space. One try and it had to work, otherwise the Ant Man wouldn't be able to get near the younger version of Tony so easily.

A key point that Tony noticed rather late was that there had been no remarks, no objections and no comments in the last minutes. Which was very, if not more than unusual. So it should be clear that someone was not wearing his headset and was therefore not reachable by radio, let alone had Jyn noticed anything concerning the current state of events. Of all people, the person who talks about rules and consequences does not stick to the plan.


Much may have happened but most of the S.T.R.I.K.E.S. Jyn had always liked and even after the HYDRA revelation, nothing had changed. They were the same people as before, so she was able to talk about the attack with two of the many agents standing in the foyer.

Especially there was not much to learn about the break-in at S.H.I.E.L.D. During the investigation of the Tesseract by Doctor Erik Selvig, as the stone went crazy, Loki appeared and disappeared with the stone and a dozen agents. What followed was no longer secret. Hundreds dead for which the god was responsible.

After a blow to the ribs, Jyn turned around and watched as Tony turned her back and tapped her ear. A gesture she only understood after she touched her ear without understanding and felt the headset. It hadn't been switched on and because it didn't bother her, she had forgotten it very quickly.

Accompanied by two agents in the back, Tony, Thor and Loki left the elevator and were about to leave the Stark Tower but just before reaching the exit Alexander Pierce and other suits came in between. The Secretary was of the opinion that Loki had to be handed over to them to answer to the humans, similar to the Tesseract, which should also be handed over to them. Thor, however, did not share this opinion, as his brother had to answer to Odin. And as for the blue stone, it had been in the possession of S.H.I.E.L.D. for over seventy years and should remain so, at least if Pierce had his way, but Tony did not want to give it away.

Mission, Scott Lang. At any moment the arc reactor would fail, Tony would therefore fold up and the suitcase with the space stone would fall to the ground, whereupon it would be unattended from then on, or better said, would receive no more attention, because everyone present would be dealing with the billionaire.

No sooner was Tony lying on the floor twitching than Jyn hurried over to him to help, but not without giving the suitcase a kick so that the other Tony could take it. It all went exactly according to plan. Somehow it had been too easy. Way too easy.

Compared to the Thor in the future, the thunder god of that time appeared to Jyn to be much more intelligent. Far more intelligent. Quite fast he recognized that it was because of Tony's 'chest machine' and gave him a small electric shock with his hammer. The suitcase was gone, but so was Loki, which was not planned. Was there a connection? Hopefully not.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now