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Not much was said about the Tesseract, which housed the Space Stone, and the Thought Stone, which gave Loki's scepter its power, as it was not necessary. For decades, the Tesseract had been under lock and key at S.H.I.E.L.D., where it had been examined, and ultimately the reason why the Alien Invasion Two Thousand and Twelve in New York occurred in the first place, because without it, there would have been no portal for the Chitaurie Army. As for the Thought Stone, it had not only been with Hydra for years, but was the reason for Vision's existence in the first place, as most knew.

In the meantime, while Jyn was researching the Tesseract and Loki's scepter and doing further research, Natasha, Tony and Banner were busy with the Temporal Stone, about which there was almost no information. How could they? The green stone was protected by a group of wizards, magicians. A green stone stuck in some ancient artifact.


Once the 'when' and 'where' were determined, the next step was to decide who was allowed to go with whom, in which year and at which place. The first team was determined right at the beginning and without question, namely Clint and Natasha. All further constellations followed. New York in the year two thousand and twelve had three stones. Space, thoughts and time. Asgard, two thousand and thirteen just one, reality. Two thousand fourteen was the last two. On Vormir, at Red Skull, the soul stone, and Morag, the stone of power. Which place was thus meant for Jyn should be clear. There's a reason for everything in life.

"That's probably my task", Jyn answered with a weak smile, took a deep breath and wiped away five of the six stones, "I'll go to Vormir and make sure that you get the Soulstone. It would only be good if someone would come with me."

"Absolutely not. Do you want to know why?", Tony radioed right in between, causing everyone else, taking turns looking at him and Jyn, "I don't trust you with that. You of all people want to go to the place where Thanos murdered his daughter to get the soul stone. You tried to make us believe that he might not have killed her at all but that there was another reason for her death. I think everyone here can understand my concern for you in regard to the stones."

"Why of all people Vormir?", to Tony's as well as Jyn's astonishment it was Rogers who asked this question and turned to Jyn, who pulled her knees up to her upper body and wrapped her arms around her legs, "Of all people here, only you seem to be the most sure of yourself. What's there for you?"

"Maybe it's simply peace," but shortly after that Jyn started to swallow hard to get rid of the lump in her throat; pressed her lips tightly together and looked, blinking around the room before she looked around again to continue, "There is no more suitable place for me. Someone like me. Everything else would feel wrong. It's the one thing I'll never get, and there'd be the opportunity for me."

"New York", after a while where everybody assumed that Jyn would respond to that, it was now Natasha who corrected it, "I think you should go to New York much more."

"What am I supposed to do in New York?", if anyone should go to New York, it was one of the six who were there at the time, as Jyn thought, "I was glad I wasn't in the city at the time."

"You're probably most likely to find your peace there," since Natasha was quite convinced of that, Rogers gave her a questioning look, but it was only confirmed by a nod from the redheads, "especially since Tony won't let you out of his sight anyway."

"I can keep an eye on her," which made Jyn look gratefully smiling at Scott and so everything should be clear, "I don't care where I go, because I wasn't in any of those places at that time. Might even be fun."

"Could it be that you've forgotten what Vormir is," Nebula had to ask, because to Jyn's chagrin, it reminded everyone again, "A realm of death. It's not going to be much fun."

"This gives us another point to support my fears," a big thank you to Nebula, who had made sure that Tony received another confirmation, "A hit woman with magical powers who defends Thanos beyond his death, in everything, is not sent to a place called the 'realm of death'. Have we settled this."

Period. There was no point in further discussion. Which led to Jyn slowly taking his legs off the chair; stood up and left the room without another word, more than absent-mindedly.

What for, if not for this, fate thought that it would make sense for Jyn to get a second chance after all that had happened?

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz