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The question about our existence, our rationale for existence, in the universe and the world was answered. Half the universe had been wiped out. Peacefully. Without any pain. The only pain that remained was the one the Ghosts left to the living.

And as Stephen assured us, this was now the endgame. The all-decisive Super Bowl.

One being, a Titan, took the decision into his own hands and the success spoke for itself. Thanos had to make numerous sacrifices, but they paid off. Paid for. Peace for our time, the words of Ultron and the life task of the last titan.

Nature takes its course. It will. It always has. And it will continue to be. That is evolution. Or as Michael Crichton wrote: "Nature always finds a way". Not everyone will understand it. Only at least they will. But only those of all at least will accept it. Every living being must learn to accept and tolerate. And this is exactly what has been set. It had not been the actual fight, but the foreplay. The Soft Opening. The premiere. To determine, how the power relations stand. The Grand Opening was just around the corner. Only then will it become clear who will emerge as the true winner.

To be successful, it demands absolute dedication, even if the chances of victory are so small. The tide can turn at any moment. And each sacrifice only increases the desire to win at any price. And it does not end until one side is defeated, or both sides unite. But one thing is beyond question:

The innocent are the first to fall.

Friends become enemies. Enemies become friends. Not always easy to distinguish. Not always separable from each other. Meanwhile the border becomes so blurred that there are no more.

The stronger gives everything and the weaker has to endure it. Step down as the winner or wait until you lose.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt