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a year later

There were many rumours, but whether these might be true, was again a completely different story. For some time now, the number of deaths, especially in China and Japan, has increased exponentially. People die every day. Dozens. But even in certain circles, this seemed anything but normal.

However, one thing, an essential point, could not be ignored or forgotten. Namely, how all people died. It was a massacre. A bloody and arbitrary massacre, which should not have taken place in this form. And, as the word massacre implies, it was nothing more than a mere slaughter of people who were present at that moment. The problem was not the deaths, the crowds or the crime scenes, but the slaughter itself.

"Hey Clint", Jyn enthusiastically stopped at the entrance of a temple and a slight smile appeared on her lips as the former archer turned to her, "Good to see you."

"Hey.", the former archer replied loosely and nodded briefly to Jyn, although he had attached great importance to not being found, "Do we know each other? You look familiar to me somehow."

"Possible", Jyn approached the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with a meaningful look; on his way to him, he looked to the right and left at the blood-soaked floor and, without seeming affected, stopped two meters from Barton, "You knew my brother, though."

"Good to know", as if it would make a difference if Clint knew who the language was from, because it had absolutely nothing to do with Jyns appearing, "Who was he?"

"Brock Rumlow", Shortly thereafter the barely noticeable smile turned into one that was hard to interpret correctly and Jyn got even closer to Clint, "I think we have to preserve ourselves."

Some people were all seeing and all knowing. Not at all. A bad joke, who claims that. It doesn't take more than a few ears and eyes everywhere.

After Jyn had taken Clint by the upper arm so that she could both disappear from the temple, alone, because it wouldn't take too long for the police to come and she could talk to him in peace.

When Clint asked him what Jyn wanted to talk to him about and would take him there now, her answer was just one, you'll see. A few people would introduce her to the archer and they would explain a few things to him. It was a necessity for Barton to experience, understand and internalize some things, things about his past and future actions. Everyone is at the beginning of something and you can't blame anyone for that, but you have to learn and sometimes you need a little help.

Everyone meets his creator at some point.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now