↘︎ chapter twenty-five

Start from the beginning

"We can drop you from the Astronomy Tower and we'll see how you look like." joked Fred, but Marley rolled her eyes. The Weasley twins were also wet from the rain. The whole Quidditch team was at the hospital wing of Madam Pomfrey, along with Ron and Hermione. Harry was lying on one of the beds unconscious.

"He's waking up!" squeaked Hermione happily and everyone gathered in a semi-circle around Harry to check if he was okay. The boy opened his eyes and moaned. He looked around and saw only familiar faces, but he probably had no idea where he was. At least for the moment.

"What happened?" questioned Harry and propped on his elbow. Everyone shared a look and Marley bit her tongue. "Who won?"

"Hufflepuff." Marley replied. "Cedric caught the Snitch after you fell but he thought it wasn't fair because of the dementors. He wanted to re-play the game but even Wood said it was fair. There was nothing we could do."

"We still have a chance to win the House Cup, Harry." joined Wood with a sad smile on his face. He was probably broken from this lost. "If Hufflepuff fall against Ravenclaw, and Slytherin..."

"For now it's impossible, mate." George patted him on the shoulder and for a moment Wood looked like he was going to burst into tears. Marley knew how much he wanted to win the House Cup. It was his last year and he didn't want to lose from Slytherin again. "There should happen a miracle but anyway."

"Dumbledore has never been that angry." Hermione interrupted him, quite annoyed. She looked at Harry, who was with wet hair and pale face. "After you fell, he was furious and banished the demenotrs from the pitch. No one blames you, Harry, but..."

"When you fell..." Ron stepped in the conversation. He was holding a red blanket, wood wrapped in it. Marley pretty well knew what was in there but she didn't want to see Harry's face. She knew he'll be crushed by grief. "You broom crashed into the Whomping Willow."

He unfolded the blanket, revealing the fever that had become the broom of Harry - Nimbus 2000. Harry's green eyes seemed to pop out of his orbits, and he started to stutter, but just as he was about to say something, Madam Pomfrey went angry into the hospital wing.

"What are you doing all of you here?" she hissed and approached the poor Harry, whose green eyes were wet from upcoming tears but he held them. "Stop preventing the boy from resting. Get out! Exit immediately!"

Everyone was too scared of Madam Pomfrey to say anything, and they just burst out of the hospital wing. They were all a little dejected, and a strange concern came from Marley again, and she suddenly pulled Fred and George aside to catch up with her.

"Look, we should make it up for Harry." she whispered. "It sucks he lost his broom, because he really likes it. And if we have to be honest, it served him and the team very well."

"What are you trying to say?" asked George, a smirk coming on his face.

"I know we can't buy him a new broom, but at least we can help him go to Hogsmeade." it was Marley's turn to smirk. She liked her idea - helping Harry to go to Hogsmeade after he lost his Numbus 2000. Sounded like a good plan. Fred and George just shared confused looks, waiting for their friend to continue. "The Marauders Map."

"What? No way!" exclaimed immediately Fred. Well, Marley never expected she'll convince them quickly but did they have to be so mean? "This thing is precious and--"

"We don't need it anymore." Marley cut him off with persistent look in her hazel eyes. "Guys, come on. Let's make Harry happy. And I think he'll like it. By the way, I don't need your consent. I was planning to give it to him anyway."

"Fred, I think we don't have a choice." mumbled out George and rolled eyes at his brother, who was shaking his head negatively. "Look, I'm not happy too. Yeah, the Marauders Map is an amazing discovery we've made. But we know it like our palms, mate. Harry needs it more than us."

"Fine." sighed annoyed Fred but when Marley's face shone, Fred couldn't hide his smile. The girl thought that the idea was actually so good, and it would lift Harry's spirit a little. She had no idea why she was so worried about him, but she could accept him as her younger ... brother.

Marley was so happy that she hugged Fred and George. She didn't expect them to hug her back because they weren't such fans of the hugs, but they apparently did and the girl's smile only grew bigger. She was still smiling as she pulled away from them and walked away with a quick step, eager to have a shower and put on dry and warm clothes.

As she was walking away from them, she heard George's voice speaking softly to Fred. "I don't know how well we have to accept the fact that we make these big gestures because of her."

"These good deeds? Yes, it's awful. But Lina seems to be right." said Fred and made up a disgusted voice. George burst into laughter.

"For what?" the other red-haired twin questioned.

"That we really are too attached to her."

Marley just smiled and giggled.

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