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I parked my car and sat there for a second just thinking if I should go in or not. "Are we gonna go in momma?" I heard from the back.

"Yeah baby just give momma a second." I didn't think I would be welcome here. He had an affair with me and now I'm showing up at his wedding hoping for a turn out.

There was a tap at my window and I rolled it down to see an unfamiliar man. "Are you alright miss?" He asked. I nodded "yeah of course I was just thinking if I left something at home. Just one of those feelings you know?" I laughed and shrugged. He smiled and patted the roof of my car. "I totally understand those feelings. You stay safe now and have a good time at the wedding." He said and walked away.

I pulled out my phone and texted Alex
'I don't know if I can do this Alex...' I sent it and sat there. I almost immediately got a response back. 'You get in that church right now before I come and drag you out...love you' I sighed before locking my phone and unbuckling both me and Payton.

"Momma carry me pretty please." Payton said as she stopped and held her hands up. I picked her up and made my way to the door.

"Now Payton no talking when the ceremony is going on..ok?" She nodded and I opened the door. I walked down the aisle and couldn't help but feel wrong. I wanted to be the one walking down the aisle. It should be me and Payton being the flower girl. I shook the thought from my mind and made my way to my seat.

'You're very lucky I'm sitting here Alex. You should be thanking me.' I sent and sat in the pew.

I felt my phone vibrate and looked down 'THANK YOUU! It'll be fun I promise.' I sighed internally and waited for everything to begin.

Jack eventually came through the doors and made his way down the aisle with the guys not that far behind him. As he stood there I could just tell that he was nervous, his was playing with his thumbs and tapping his foot and occasionally looked around the room.

It was one of those times where he was looking around the room and his eyes landed on mine and then he looked next to me to Payton. His eyes widened slightly and he pulled at his collar. Alex slapped his hand away and scolded him saying "they got the tie right with only 15 views of the video don't screw it up."

I laughed a little and looked at Alex who looked happy for his best friend. I don't understand why he was, he hated Brianna. He saw me and waved excitedly. The other two looked at me weird and continued on.

The music started playing and the doors opened. One by one the bridesmaids filed out and soon the bride made her way in. Her red lipstick was on point and her eyes looked like raccoons but it fit her. She died her hair back to brown which I was definitely thankful for. By her side stood a man that looked to be in his late 60's. He looked proud of his daughter. She walked down the aisle with such attitude that it was rubbing off onto the people she passed. When she stepped onto the alter she smiled and took Jack's hands.

He smiled back, but it was tight, he didn't want to be here.

It was quiet for a while before the minister started speaking.

"We are gathered her today, to join in the holy matrimony of Jack Bassam Barakat and Brianna Marie Forster. Do you Brianna take Jack to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold through greater or worse, richer or poor sickness and in health through Jesus Christ our Lord?" It was quiet while she stood there and smiled.

I was hoping for her to just come out and say no, but she didn't. "I do." She said.

"Excellent. And do you Jack, take Brianna as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold through greater or worse, richer or poor sickness and in health through Jesus Christ our Lord?" The minister finished and looked up at Jack.

Jack was looking at her the whole time, but for a split second turned his head to me and looked back.

"Any day now son." The minister said and patted his shoulder. You could see that Jack was starting to sweat and he kept a hold on Brianna's hands. "Jack, babe?" She said and touched his cheek.

He looked down and then back up and looked into her eyes. "I can't." The whole crowd gasped, I think someone actually started to cry. It was definitely like one of those whole cliché movie endings where they're about to get married but the guy says no and the crowd goes ballistic.

"But jack I thought you loved me." She whined. He looked at her and shook his head and looked down. "You've changed so much Bree..I don't even know you anymore." He turned towards the crowd and took the microphone off the stand.

"For those of you who don't know Brianna let me fill you in." He started. "Number one, she despises children. Said to me one time and I quote 'if she ever got pregnant, she would abort it.' Number two, I had to see my 4 year old daughter secretly. Number three, she's slept with half the town." He stopped and took a deep breath

"How many of you in this room right now have slept with Brianna in the past 3 years?" He asked. Half of the guys raised their hands and one coughed awkwardly.

"I don't love Brianna, I've realized over the past week and two days who I really love. And she's sitting here right now." He said and turned in my direction. "Erika." He said and walked towards me.

"I love you, and our daughter, it took me so long to realize and I'm so stupid for not seeing it sooner." I noticed Alex move and Jack sat up and brought me up with him.

A guitar started playing and while Brianna stood there mouth agape in surprise and everyone's attention turned to us, even the minister was smiling at us. And then Alex started singing.

Wendy, run away with me

I know I sound crazy don't you see what you do to me,

I wanna be your lost boy, your last chance, a better reality

Wendy we can get away,

I promise if you're with me say the word and we'll find a way.

And I can be your lost boy, your last chance, you're everything better plan...

He slipped a piece of paper into my hand and smiled. "Open it."

I opened it and sprawled across the paper in his messy handwriting read one question.

'Will you run away with me?'

Her daughter (Sequel to His Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now