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I looked myself over in the mirror suddenly feeling self conscious. "Stop stressing you look beautiful." Austin said as he walked in with Payton in his arms.

"Thanks." I whispered. "You look beautiful momma." Payton complimented.

"Thanks baby." I said and kissed her forehead.

"So what's the plan?" Austin asked.

"Keep my cool, and invite him over to tell him about Payton." He nodded and started playing patty cake with Payton.

It was definitely nerve wracking. The worst that could happen is that it completely ruins his relationship or he never wants to talk to me again. And that was my perspective. He's gonna be so mad at me. I wouldn't blame him though I kept his daughter from him for her whole life, and I was just telling him about it.

"It's almost 5 you should get going, takes about 20 minutes to get there." Austin said as he walked downstairs. I nodded and stood up.

"Alright call if you need anything, and I mean anything, no cereal for dinner and make sure she drinks her milk. Brushes her teeth, and she has a specific type of pajama for certain days,..."

"Erika....I got this. Now go before I kick your butt." He interrupted me. I smiled and went to hug him. "I can't thank you enough." I kissed Payton's forehead and made my way to the door.

"Don't hesitate because I will kick you butt. Now go." Austin said. I rushed out to my car and sighed.

I felt really panicky. I didn't want anything to go wrong. And I most certainly didn't want anything to happen between jack and Brianna. The worst that could happen between them is that she doesn't want kids and books it. He'll be heartbroken. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I got so I just shook it from my mind and drove to the restaurant.


"Erika, I want you to meet Brianna my fiancée, Brianna, this is Erika." Jack introduced. I put the fake smile on my face and shook her hand. "Such a pleasure to meet the woman that changed Jack's mind about everything." I said.

"It's so nice to meet one of his best friends." She answered.

When I thought that she was a skank and when and if I met her my skank meter would break and throw itself of a cliff....

Yeah....that wasn't even close to the correct description. This girl looked like she just got done fucking every guy in town. Her skirt was right below her ass and she wore shoes that made her Jack's tall height. Her shirt...don't even...her shirt looked like it had no boundaries. There's was no cover...it showed more cleavage than it should have.

Let alone her hair color. I could tell it was a natural black brown color by her eyebrows, but she insisted that a platinum blonde looked perfect on her.

At this point, my tolerance was at zero. Even if she wanted kids, I'm not letting her near my kid. No.

"Shall we go in?" Jack said. I nodded and Brianna shrugged. Yes, lets stand outside in the freezing weather all night. Genius!

I walked in and was immediately hit with an aroma of garlic. Bella's was known for it's great Italian food and high class.

"Reservation under Barakat for three?" The waitress pulled out three menus and led us outside.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?" The waitress asked.

"Water." I answered.

"Wine." Brianna answered.

"I'll take a water to." Jack said. I looked at him astonished. "No beer?" I asked, he just smiled and shook his head. "No beer."


"And then I said! 'Tiffany put some clothes on you slut!'" Brianna said. She cracked up and I just sat there while her and Jack laughed their asses off.

This wasn't my element. I felt awkward. Brianna was, lets say more tipsy than she should be. And jack looked infatuated with her. I scowled and finished my water.

"Do any of you want dessert?" The waitress came to ask. Jack and Brianna nodded and I shook my head.

They were basically smearing the cake all over their faces. To say I was third wheeling was an understatement. I felt intrusive.

Brianna was more then tipsy at this point and definitely couldn't comprehend what was going on.

At one point she thought I was Jack and went to kiss me. "I wuv you. And I don't want that bitch taking you from me." She said and pointed in Jacks direction who was paying the bill. "I'm not stealing him anytime soon." I said.

"Alright I'll just get her cab and drive home." He said.

"Why can't you drive with her?" I asked.

"Last time I drove with her while she was drunk she almost got me into an accident." He said. I nodded wrung my hands together.

He was talking to the cabbie and tapped the roof of the can when he was done and it drove off.

"Umm so I guess i'll see you soon." I said. He nodded and I walked off. I definitely wasn't doing this right now. He had a drunk fiancée to take care of.


There I sat in the tub with a glass of wine in my hands and candles lit around me. I can't believe I didn't tell him.

Was I really this chicken? No. I am not.

I was sick of holding this off. I didn't know if it was because of the liquid courage or because of my cowardly lion attitude that I got sick of but I picked up my phone and dialed Jacks number.

Her daughter (Sequel to His Daughter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora