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[ M I S S I N G  P I E C E ]

TWELVE CHECKED the watch on his wrist. It’s already past five and he’s still enough time to review all the video recordings that could be used as an evidence to his current case.

His in his room, watching those videos for almost an hour and from time to time, he couldn’t keep himself from yawning. It all makes him sleepy but he really needs to use his time wisely because he has not much time left. With that thought, he suddenly felt a headache. It’s aching so bad again for an unknown reason.

He immediately get the medicine in his drawer and took it. He noticed that his headache became so sudden since he arrived to that place. After taking the medicine, he decided to stop what he’s doing. It’s still early anyway and he have time to continue it later. He lie on the bed then in a little while . . . Twelve fell asleep peacefully.

LISA WAS startled when she heard hear alarm clock. She reached for it to stop the annoying sound, still with eyes closed. She’s actually still being dreamy at the moment. She stretched her arms feeling the warmth the morning sunshine gives coming from the window pane. She used to keep her curtains open so she could see the view when she wakes up.

She stood up finally to open the window and let herself enjoy the morning breeze. The cold air, supplementing the warmth of the sun gave her a good feeling. She stayed like that a bit longer when she remembered she have an appointment to go with Mr. Yamade today. She immediately took a bath and get herself ready for the day. She also prepared the documents for the meeting later.  A knock on the door snatched her attention. When she opened the door, she saw Mariko standing outside.

“Let’s go downstairs. The breakfast was served,” the old lady said.

She nodded then promptly followed her. When they reached the dining area, Haise and Yui were already there. “Good Morning!” she greeted.

Haise smiled and greeted her too while Yui just looked at her smirking then shrugged. She’s always been cold to her so she just ignored that. She have just taken a few spoonful of food when Mitsuko arrived. He instructed Mariko to pack some food for him which the maid eventually did.

THEY WERE on their way riding the car when she noticed that the old man is not feeling well. He’s even coughing which made Lisa alert.

“Are you okay, Mr. Yamade?” she asked politely, concern was written on her face.

“I’m fine. Is everyting ready?”

“Yes, sir.”

THEY WERE currently in the meeting with the Board of Directors. Lisa carefully placed printed documents on the table for every Directors. After doing that, she went on a corner and waited for the meeting to get finished. Almost half an hour have passed when Mr. Yamade stood from his seat and have his closing remarks. In the middle of his speech, the old man suddenly stopped which made everyone wonder. In just a while, he lost his consciousness and fell down on the floor which made everyone shocked. Lisa rushed to Mr. Yamade’s side to check on him while one of the stockholders called for an ambulance which arrived immediately in few minutes.

Three hours have passed since Mr. Yamade was rushed to the hospital. Lisa has been by his side all throughout. She didn’t leave the old man’s side. She is with Mrs. Yui waiting for any hospital staff come out on the Emergency Room. After some time, a doctor finally came out and asked for the patient’s relatives.

“What happened, Doctor?” asked Yui with a worry on her voice.

“Come, let’s talk about the patient’s case,” the doctor said.

The old man was temporarily transferred to the Intensive Care Unit. Lise felt pity on Mr. Yamade’s case. His one and only wish suddenly came into her mind before he’d pass away in the world. He wanted to find his long lost grandson. But in his case, it’s somehow impossible. If Lisa would think about it, he’s in a difficult stage of his life so she won’t leave his side.

Hours have swiftly passed when Yui asked her to go home.

“Let’s go to the mansion first. Don’t worry. Mariko will take in charge. She’ll surely take good care if my brother,” she said when she read what’s on Lisa’s mind.

Lisa nodded in response.

“Also, Sachi will worry about you. Do you want that?”

Lisa was startled with what she heard from Yui but she smiled after. Yui seems to treat her differently. And, she’s also right. She needs to go home because Twelve must be looking for her. Lisa followed Yui after taking her last glance on the old man in the special room.

THEY WERE in Yui’s car when Lisa’s phone rang. A smile broke on her lips when she saw the name of Twelve on the screen. She suddenly felt that she missed him so much. She smiled before answering his call. She told him about Mr. Yamade’s case. He asked her how he’s going and she told him that he’s okay. Twelve really looked concern to the old man. It seems like he treats Mr. Yamade more than a client. Twelve is really nice. He maybe playful sometimes but when it comes to serious matters, he’s one of the most reliable person she met.

She smiled in secret because he cares about her too. She told him that they would talk when she arrives at the mansion. She have just ended the call when Yui got her attention.

✔️TERROR IN RESONANCE SEQUEL (A PALE YELLOW ) English #WATTYS2020Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora