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[ C O N C E P T I O N ]

TWELVE IS just sitting in his swivel chair while looking outside the window from time to time. He has been a mess for days. He could hardly sleep and eat well. He wonders why Lisa never came back. He had no idea why she didn't show up to him again. He was so worried that something was not going well. He would never be able to handle it when that happened.

He even went to the mall where she worked. But he learned that she just resigned. He even went to her apartment. The landlady said that she moved out of residence.

He think he's going crazy for thinking too much. It's been two weeks since he last saw her. He thought she loved her too, but he seemed to be wrong. The situation lead him to deep thought.

Sachi was dumbfounded when Shibazaki passed along his desk. He's wondering why the young man thinks so deeply. He also noticed that Sachi was not in a good shape for the past weeks.

"Hey, Sachi! Let's go outside first," he greeted the young man as he finally settled on his desk.

"Oh, sir. You're Mr. Shibazaki, right?" he suddenly stood up, startled.

"Why? Do you have a problem, Sachi? It's definitely just a girl. If I were you, just find another woman. There's more in the world."

"Sir? But, Lisa is different. . . she will not cheat on me. I know she will return to me," Sachi said feeling hurt with what Shibazaki said which made his state worse. He left Shibazaki shocked. Suddenly, Shibazaki was confused and nervous. He frowned a bit. Did he hear correctly or did he just misunderstand?

He immediately followed the young man to clarify things. He immediately grabbed him by the shoulder so Sachi eventually stopped taking steps.

"Sachi. . ."

He kept his face facing the ground even if he faced him totally.

"Is your girlfriend's name Lisa Mishima?" Shibazaki asked the stunned young man. Shibazaki has been attacked by various emotions. He didn't seem to like the point of what the young man would talk about.

As Sachi slowly raised his face, Shibazaki saw that his eyebrows had finally met.

"Why do you know Lisa, sir?" he asked.

Shibazaki diverted his gaze first, sighing a few times. Shibazaki blows before finally answering Sachi's question. He analyzed first what he has to say.

"All I can say is that it's not good for you to have a relationship with her, Sachi. If you can stay away from Lisa, please do," Shibazaki said seriously.

"W-why sir?" Sachi asked,annoyed.

"Because it will hurt your health if you continue to have relationships with her," Shibazaki said, worried.

The young man's heart was filled with grudge little by little. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He was very controlling in that moment. He gave Shibazaki a cold look.

"If you worry about me, then just let me go. And it's okay, sir. I can handle it. Don't worry, I can remember everything now," Twelve revealed.

Surprise was evident in Shibazaki's face when he heard that. Twelve was about to turn his back when Shibazaki spoke again. "Well, go ahead. Hopefully, you won't regret that you haven't stop it because what you're feeling now will only hurt you. I just don't want you to end up like Nine and Five, Twelve."

Twelve just kept walking. All his life, he followed other people. He looks like a living a life of a puppet!

"Twelve!" Shibazaki called but he didn't look back. "There's no time. You probably know what happens when time comes. I just don't want you to get hurt in the end, especially Lisa."

✔️TERROR IN RESONANCE SEQUEL (A PALE YELLOW ) English #WATTYS2020Where stories live. Discover now