Little girl had to grow up

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In a home of three,
Mother, father and she,
A little girl lived
And she got all she needed.

Her smile was contagious,
Her friends numerous.
Of the world she was curious,
Though she got love outrageous.

But she had to grow up,
No longer on her dad's lap.
Well I won't say it's bad luck,
Because the world sucks.

Pretty girl lost her friends,
And on the world she crept.
Well boys played her games,
And from girls its names she kept.

She thought she was being walked on
But she could still move on,
She could still get the outrageous love,
And still find her better half.

No longer a girl, she couldn't cry out loud
Even her parents had got another child.
Alone,she started to die slowly,
After all who knew her story?

Little girl had to grow up unfortunately,
Though she preferred not to obviously.
Of people,she had now lost curiosity,
And decided to live in her own serenity.

She spread her smile like never before.
And gave out love like never before .
But she expected nothing in return.
Because her old self had returned.

Now,as I look back at the mirror,
I see her all grown up.
I ask,"what was there to fear?"
She after all had to grow up.

poems of a growing girlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ