"Those are really pretty, boys! Niall I really like the grass, and Lou, look at that car! It looks super quick!" He said and picked me up, letting me sit on his knee. Louis giggled and blushed a little. "Who's up for a little snack?"

Louis nodded and Zayn got up, holding me with one arm and holding Louis hand with his other hand. He walked down to the kitchen with us and Louis looked around a lot, taking in the autumn coloured hallway, living room and the country themed kitchen. I was sat down on the counter and Louis was lifted into my highchair. Zayn walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Don't move, don't fall down and hurt yourself, okay?" He whispered and I nodded. Zayn walked to the fridge to prepare our snacks and I glared at the back of Louis stupid head. He was lightly kicking his legs and looking at the hologram window that we had. I still didn't understand hologram but I didn't want to ask anymore, it worked at least. And it was showing off a beautiful frozen forest so it made me happy, even if I still was sceptical of being out in the snow.

Zayn came with two small plates of applesauce. He picked me up and carried me to the table. He sat down next to Louis with me in his lap. I curled into Zayn and put my legs up on his thigh. He cooed at me and gave Louis his applesauce. He then gently began feeding me little spoons of the sauce. I ate calmly and was a little annoyed with how slow Zayn was feeding me but endured it. Louis didn't get fed, haha! And he was making a mess of himself with applesauce all over his hands, chin and the rest of his face.

When we both were done eating I was carried to the livingroom and sat down on a newly bought playmat. It was really soft and there was no bars around it so I really liked the mat. Zayn ruffled my hair and walked back to the kitchen to deal with Louis. I sat quietly on the mat and looked around. Jane was left upstairs in Daddy's bed and I missed her. Jane always played with me when Daddy was busy. Now I was alone on my playmat and I could hear Louis laughter and giggles from the kitchen. I just don't get why Louis is happy? Does he actually like the diapers, helplessness, the vampires?

Zayn came out with a freshly washed Louis in his arms. The human was plonked down next to me on the playmat and Zayn kissed my forehead before going up to his artroom, or whatever it is called. I looked after him and barely noticed Louis reached for a soft plush ball that was next to him until he poked me with it. I glared at him quietly and he bit his lip.

"It's not too bad." He whispered and hugged the ball in his hands. "What village are you from?"

"Iwland, SV12." I answered quietly and fiddled with my hands, hating the humiliating slur.

"SV12?" Louis asked and frowned.

"Souf village numbeh' 12." I said with a sigh.

"Oh, well, England, Doncaster." Louis said and gave me the ball. "How bad was yours?"

"Bad." I answered shortly, I didn't feel like sharing life stories with him.

"My village was positive to the vampires. My biggest wish was to be taken." Louis said and laid down on his stomach, reaching for yet another toy. "And Daddy came and took me home. My Daddy is very nice. Uncle Zayn is nice too."

"Daddy made me hand'capped." I slurred quietly. Louis looked at me and I opened my mouth to show the little plastic thing I had against the roof of my mouth. His eyes widened and he sat up. Curious fingers trailed into my mouth and pressed against the thing. It didn't hurt when I pressed at it anymore, just felt a bit dry and scratchy. Louis bit his lip and ran his finger along the edge, lightly touching the roof of my mouth. His fingers were soft and weird but I kinda liked it. His fingers slid out and I closed my mouth slowly and blushed. My blush copied onto his cheeks and I giggled. Louis looked kinda cute actually, all rosy and fluffy haired. I carefully reached my hand up to put his hair. I shuffled closer and carefully stroked the soft strands of wispy brown hair. It was soft to my touch and I loved it. Louis hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. He was a few centimeters taller than me and I shuffled up his lap where he was sitting on his knees. I straddled his lap and continued playing and exploring his hair. Louis was cute, really cute, I can understand why he was taken as a baby.

Yes daddy! (Larry&Ziall story)Where stories live. Discover now