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He made it very clear that the moment that Barry and Alex had kids - which he hoped wouldn't be for at least a couple years down the road - that he would be called Poppa. Alex chuckled, but was sure that they could make that request happen. She didn't know whether or not to be more happy at the fact that Joe expected them to be together that long or that he wanted her to be the mother of his grandchildren.

Either way, it made the rest of the day interesting. As the two worked on cases, they had spent just as much time joking around. Alex couldn't keep a straight face long enough for them to get through more than three cases and Barry couldn't deny joining the good mood that she was in. It wasn't often that they laughed so hard they cried.

Work was much more enjoyable when she was there to keep him sane. There were a few times throughout the day that Alex had to use her powers so that she wouldn't be seen by officers popping in and out of his space. Of course, she would subtly tease him while he talked with one of his coworkers.

By the end of the day, they had gotten through most of the case files and the rest were going to be up to him for another day. Joe ran into them before he left and told them to show up at his house for dinner. They agreed and said that they would meet him there when they were done and picked up Henry.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at Joe's. Alex shook her head in disbelief when she saw when they arrived. The West family had taken it upon themselves to invite all of their friends, family and loved ones over. She was the first one to walk into the door, but it was Barry who spoke up about what they were doing.

"I just figured that since Henry is officially back for good, we should celebrate," Iris spoke up. She and Wally were setting the table while the others were scattered around chatting with themselves. It really was the perfect night for a little get together like that.  "And since Zoom is gone the city is quiet right now."

Henry assured her that he appreciated it and went to go chat with Tina. Alex squeezed Barry's hand as he leaned down to peck her cheek. In the corner of her eye, she could see Wally looking at her with a strange look on his face. Unfortunately, she had a good feeling why.

Wally was a smart guy, he was getting a little too suspicious of who she really was. If anything, she was just going to need to ignore him for the next few days and try to get Mirage to convince him that she wasn't her. Alex had dug herself into a hole that she wasn't sure that she could get out of. Instead of going to chat with him, she left to go see Cisco while Barry went to Iris.

With Iris admitting her feelings towards Barry, she had become a little weary of the woman. Of course, she had full trust in her and that she would never try to interfere in their relationship, but the insanely jealous side of her warned her to be cautious. Alex hated that feeling, she was friends with Iris and didn't want something like this to get between them.

"I know that look," Cisco tilted his drink towards her. Her head snapped in his direction and she took a sip from her own glass. "It was the same look you gave Patty and Linda. You're jealous of Iris aren't you?"

Alex shrugged at him. "She was his first love, it's kinda hard not to be. Not to mention that seeing them together on Earth-2, maybe that was a sign for me," Alex had never thought like that before. The more she did think about it, the more it made sense to her - there were too many things in the universe telling her that she ad Barry might not have the future they both dreamed of.

"I think you forgot the small little detail where he's utterly in love with you," Cisco joked. He knew that she had nothing to worry about, they were perfect together. Even with their arguments and fights, they always ended up back on good terms. She was scared that one day they wouldn't end up back on good terms.

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