Chapter 12 Magic?

Start from the beginning

"Ho that game again?Sure but better prepare yourself.I won't hold back"Asgore
"Sure no problem"(Y/N) said
*We stopped to see what they are trying to do.Looks like a fight.
(Cant wait to see (Y/N) fly away)

*They both put distance between themselves then Asgore suddenly ran towards (Y/N) as he shapes a fist with his right hand
*Me and Frisk could feel the ground shake with each step Asgore made.(Here it comes)
*Asgore threw a punch at (Y/N) hitting his chest.But nothing happened.
(Umm what happened?I wanted to see him go flying)

Your POV

"Nice punch King Asgore.I could tell you got stronger from last time.
"Last time I thought I was gonna hurt you.And like last time your not hurt"Asgore smiling down at you
"Ok so what's your guess?"you said to Frisk
"That was magic?"confused Frisk
"Yup.Well, my magic"
"We were stumped at first as well when we played this game"Asriel

"Uhhmm can I see that one more time"Frisk asks
"Hahah...No.Do you want to see it up close?"
(Your very DETERMINED aren't you)
*You make a snowball and showed it to Frisk and Chara.
*You handed them the snowball
"Is this really magic"Frisk said
*Chara gave you "I'm not amused look"

"Wait for it...and toss it in the air now!"You said
*Frisk toss the snowball upwards and the snowball suddenly burst into little pieces

"That was showing number two.So you wanna guess now?"
"I still have no idea"Frisk being more confused
*Frisk looked at Chara if she thought of anything.Chara shrugged her shoulders.

"Well let's continue our walk and if you think of anything you can call out to me"You said with a smile
(No one but Gaster knows my magic ability.I hope they would guess somewhat close to what it is)

*You all walked a bit until you came across the Slippery ice area.<The part where it slides you across a narrow ice path or the Slippery Ice Puzzle area>

"Hold your step humans,this part is dangerous for you"you warned
"King Asgore,Queen Toriel you go ahead first"you said
"Alright, come here Asriel" Asgore
*Asriel hopped on Asgores back and he slid across.Then Toriel follows after him

"Alright you two will go after me.I'll be at the end waiting"
*Frisk nodded.Chara grabbed Frisk's left hand
*You went on ahead then once you made it across you called out to Chara and Frisk

*You see them sliding towards you but saw Frisk fell down.Chara tried to pick her back up but she slips as well.There gliding off the ice path and heading towards off the edge.
(Ah shi)
*You dashed towards them.You glide over the ice path and Frisk and Chara were panicking as they slip off the edge right as you were about to grab them.You didn't think twice as you fall after them.You try to catch them mid air before any of them hits the ground.You succeeded and braced yourselves for the fall.
<Well here's your hint>
(Kinetic absorption)

*You landed on your back while holding together Frisk and Chara.
*You feel them shaking in fear as they didn't realize you all stopped falling
"Um we landed.You can get up now."You said to Frisk and Chara
*Frisk looked at you then around.Shes wondering what happened.

"So you wanna help me up or wanna stare at me some more?"You asked
*Frisk blushed and gets up
(Heh cute)

"Also your friend here, get her off me"you said looking at Chara
*Frisk helped lifted up Chara
*You feel the heavy weight lift off your chest
"Chara are you alright?"You asked
"Y-yeah"Chara said softly
(Huh, cute voice for a girl who attacked me)
"Chara is your voice back!"Frisk said happily
"I-I think"Chara said softly again
"Well at least I can finally hear your voice again"Frisk said looking relieved
"Alright then,let's head back to the King and Queen"you said as you got off the cold ground

"Umm what just happened?How did we survive that fall?"Frisk asked
"Hmm.Thats part three of my magic"
"But I still don't understand"Frisk complained
*Chara looked at you also wanting an explanation

"Well don't think too much about it.You two will learn eventually.Now lets get out of here"
*You looked at the exit.Its ice spiral staircase leading back to the top.Chara and Frisk's also see this behemoth.
(That's gonna take forever to climb up)

*You think for a moment

"Alright I know a short cut but under one...two conditions, Okay?"
"Ok what is it?"Frisk
"When we meet Asgore and Toriel you tell them we were saved from layers of snow at the bottom"
"Alright?"Chara softy said
"What's the other one?"Frisk
"You two have to not scream when we head back up"
"Ok but how are we-"Frisk
*You grabbed Frisk and Chara by their waist
(Kinetic Manipulation-Energized Body)
*You jumped off the snowy floor as
*Frisk screamed in a high pitch tone

*You are now momentarily deaf on your right ear
*You jumped all the way to the top and landed closed to King Asgore and Queen Toriel.You put Frisk and Chara back down.

"(Y/N) are you alright how about you Frisk and Chara?"Toriel said checking the humans
"Yes we're fine"Frisk and Chara said
"How did you-"Toriel
"(YYY/NNN)!!!!"Asriel cried out running towards and hugging you.
"This is not very prince like little guy, but I'll give you a pass this time"
*Asriel continued to cry out.You picked him up and hugging him till he stops sobbing.

"Frisk,Chara how did you three survive the fall?!"Toriel asks worriedly
*They looked at you.You gave them a wink and smile
"U-um we landed on top of layers of snow"Frisk said with a smile.
"Oh I see.Well at least you don't appear to be injured"Toriel replied
"If everyone is fine,how about we head into Snowdin, it's just up ahead.If they feel uneasy let's make them rest at (Y/N)'s house"Asgore
"Agreed" you and Toriel replied
*You all continued to walk towards Snowdin as you lead the group again

(I wanna take a nap right now)
"You feeling ok Asriel?"You asked
*Asriel still crying as he gave a little"mhm"
"You wanna get down now?"You asked
"No"Asriel said as he tighten his grip
(Oh boy.At least we're almost home)

Next time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now