"Well... This is awkward." He said as he coughed. There was definitely Jealousy in the air as he spoke. He felt Suffocated, as if there was a body pressing against his chest in the uncomfortable silence. Not wanting to be in the room any longer. "I'm gonna go get a glass of water." Seungmin says as he gets up. Going out of the room and into the kitchen. Not noticing that the tension only got worst after he had left.

 "Why is it so suffocating in here?" Jeongin spoke up. Confused as to why it was so quiet, not being able to stand it anymore he stood up. " I'm going with Seungmin." He whispered before heading to the kitchen. After the two sunshines left the room, the atmosphere felt cold.

both of the boys didn't speak a word. But of course the silence was bound to be interrupted by one of them. "I know you like Jeongin" He said in a distant tone  Making the other shiver under his voice. Asking himself how Chan had figured it out. "How?" He asked, Oblivious to all the signs he had dropped in the past before.

"You really think it isnt obvious? You literally cling to him every single day. And let me just say I'm not loving it" He responded. Of course people knew he liked the kid, but he didnt think he was exposing himself that much. Jeongin was Oblivious anyways, so he wouldnt pick up all the signs, so he didnt really worry much about him. What he had to be worried about was the boys significant other. He didnt really think that one through.

"For how long?" Hyunjin asked generally curious."For about a month, look I dont really mind, It just bothers me when people make moves on him, so you better not Hwang' Just as he was about to open his mouth to blabber, as usual. But before he could the door burst open, and two boys walked in. Holding Ice Cream. "Are you guys down to watch a movie?" The youngest spoke up. "Sure, not much to do anyways" Chan said, eyeing Hyunjin up and down.

"Ooh Ooh, can we watch Frozen 2?" The youngest asked, seemingly excited. "I don't see why not, it's on disney plus right? " Chan said, they all just nodded. 

This was meant to be a calm and relaxing day.

but it seemed like fate had other plans for them in the near future.


💌+ I don't know why this took so long, I'm so sorry. I was doing a lot this past months and still am. We are getting checked tomorrow for the virus. But I hope all of you are well and healthy, remember to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Clean your hands every hour of you get the chance, and don't put random stuff in your mouth. Always know that you are a beautiful flower that will bloom brighter than the sun+💌

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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