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There are Witches, Warlocks, Sorcerers, Sorceress', Wizard, and Enchanters. Warlocks would be the most powerful of them all, it then goes to the Sorcerer/Sorceress, then Wizard, then Witch then Enchanters which are both Men and Women. Warlocks are able to use Dark Magic without any side effects. Sorcerers/Sorceress' are able to use certain types of light and dark magic. Wizards cannot use Dark magic whatsoever when they perform their first Dark magic spell they turn into Warlocks if they are young Wizards they then turn into Sorcerers/Sorceress'. 

Warlocks can use killing spells, and protection spells, as well as controlling or compelling spells that will toss you away, and paralysis spells that will not hurt or kill you but only prevent you from moving.

Sorcerers/Sorceress' cannot do as many dark magic spells as the Warlock, but they can paralyze, heal, protect, and compell others to do what they want.

Wizards cannot perform any Dark Magic unless they want to become a Warlock (usually Wizards don't) but there are some Wizards who choose to become or try to become Warlocks.

Enchanters have the same circumstances if they want to become a Wizard they must conjure the most powerful light magic spell that they can (every Enchanter wants to, some cannot) become a Wizard.

Then there are the Witches, the ones who do not excel in the next study of Magic turn into animals and cannot turn back into people. They then give up their power to the next generation of Witches.

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