"I didn't mean to hit him. Well, I did-- but that was before I knew he wasn't going to strike me himself." I look at my arm, trying to not show the worry in my eyes. It's pretty bloody, as I guess it should be for how much it hurts.

"Really, there's no need to be worried. Look, if you're really that concerned for him you could always apologize or something. Not sure how he would take it but, you could still give it a go." Newt gives me another caring grin as he leaves for his job as second-in-command. "I'll be back with Thomas once you're feeling better. Clint and Jeff here will fix you up. 'Til then, greenie."

I lay on a makeshift med exam table, the two boys Jeff and Clint asking me a million questions as they tend to my wound. How did you hurt yourself? Does it hurt? What's your name? How are you liking it here so far? Do you remember anything? I answer them all with short answers, trying not to really push myself so much so that my arm aches worsen. Though, I don't know how that would be possible. But it's during this interrogation that it hits me. I don't really remember anything. Not even my own name. This freaks me out a bit, but Clint calms me down, assuring me that this is normal. "It happened to all of us when we were greenies. And your name'll come back to you soon. No need to klunk yourself over it." I didn't know what 'klunk' meant, but I took his word for it. It was alright. I'll get my name back soon.

Soon enough, Newt had come back with another boy. Clint and Jeff had finished tending to my arm, and honestly, it felt much better. Though nothing was broken, they thought my bone could be bruised, so I ought to be careful. They had cleaned up the blood, removed a couple splinters, and wrapped my arm in a bandage. "Feeling any better?" The boy beside Newt spoke. If I'm being honest at all, I was a little taken back by this boy's attractiveness. Sounds corny, I know. What can I say? I'm an annoying person who knows a good looking boy when I see one. He smirked at me, awaiting a response. 

"Much better, thanks to these two." I smile at Jeff and Clint, them then insisting it was just them doing their job. "Really, thank you though."

"No biggie." Jeff shrugged right before their attention was needed elsewhere. Something about a 'Slicer' and irresponsibility? I have no idea.

"Well I'm glad to hear it, greenie. I hope you're up for a tour?" The attractive friend looks to Newt, almost as if he was asking for his permission. 

"Wait a sec, Tom. You can give her the tour after we get something to eat. You hungry?"  Newt directed that last part at me.

I can hear my stomach grumble at just the mention of food. "Starving."

The three of us head towards the kitchen, every one of us famished. Clint let us know they'd be up in a few minutes once they finished with the Slicer. Once we reach the amazing smell, we are distracted before we even get a chance to touch the food. Which, by the way, seems to be some sort of deliciously smelling soup and freshly buttered bread. The guy they call Frypan, the mastermind behind this amazing smell, introduces himself. "Nice to meet you, greenie. I'm Frypan. Hope you're liking it here so far. Just let me know if you need anything," he gives a friendly shake of the hand. Frypan was a stocky built, dark-skinned boy with a friendly smile. Honestly, how did I think these people were adversaries? There's no way a killer can cook this good smelling of a meal. And I'm sure it tastes even better. 

After I grab a hunk of bread, I start finding my way to a table. Which Thomas and Newt seemed to have already done. I guess I was distracted by the food, so they got ahead of me. I think. As I'm walking towards them, I notice Gally sitting at the table behind Thomas and Newt. He's staring at me, and I recall what Newt had said about settling my conscience by apologizing to him. I glance back and forth between the two tables, trying to decide what situation I really want to put myself into. I decide to go Gally's route, for my conscience's sake. "Hey." I sit down, the other boys at the table get quiet. I leave a couple spaces between Gally and I, reminding myself that I don't know how this'll play out.

"What do you want?" Gally responds in an apathetic tone, not even looking my way. 

"I was just going to apologize for hitting you earlier. I honestly thought you all were going to hurt me or something. I'm really sorry about that." I study his face, awaiting an answer. I could see the bruise my strike had caused. Whoops, I think. He also has greenish colored eyes, a dirty, freckled face, and better eyebrows than probably everyone in this Glade. Handsome sure, but his coarse expression quickly demolished that thought.

"Just forget it, greenie. I don't need your petty apologies and squeamish pleads for forgiveness." He glared at me, straight in the eye too. Youch!  A few of his buddies snicker.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I try to defend myself.

"What do you think! You're a shucking girl, surely you'd know what 'forget it' means. Oh wait, you wouldn't, you're just a girl. A vocabulary lesson must be too beneath you." A smug look plays across Gally's face, thinking he's won. Hoots of laughter fill the air around the table. His clapback was stupid, but it made me angry. I quickly get up before I can do anything else I'll regret. 

I grab my food and take a seat next to Thomas, still silently shocked and trying to take in all that had just happened. 

"I told you I wasn't sure how he'd take it. Whatever he said to you, it isn't true." Newt says, trying to cheer me up. 

"Yeah. Gally's a slinthead, anyway." Thomas puts his arm around my shoulders. Though this feels nice, the feeling inside of me sure doesn't. 

I did the right thing, didn't I?  I'm left wondering why Gally has it out for me. Was I really just a puny girl in his eyes? But puny girls don't just punch one of the strongest boys in the Glade and make it hurt, do they? Didn't think so.

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