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Charlie was struggling. She was struggling with everything that had happened to her and Grace. She was shutting herself off while Grace was dealing with things differently as she had been seeing Finn Sharkey and rebelling differently.

Charlie sighed to herself as she walked into the kitchen and saw Tom. Tom was worried over his daughters and he hated it. He knew he wasn't there for both of them but he wanted to change that. He wanted to be a good dad.

"Hey. How did you sleep?" Tom asked as he handed Charlie a bacon sandwich.

Charlie looked at him and shrugged. "Okay I guess," she said as she sat down.

Tom looked at her and smiled. "I know it's a big thing. Being back here after all that happened and how I haven't been there. But I am your dad and I'm going to be a better dad. I promise," he said as he hugged Charlie.

Charlie smiled to herself as she hugged him back. She needed her dad more than she would admit. She didn't want him to let her down again. But Charlie knew it was too late and that the damage had already been done.


Charlie sat in the common room as she got to school. She looked up as Grace walked in and frowned as she looked at her sister. "I didn't recognise you without Finn attached to you. I'm worried over you Grace. I know why you're doing this. You're doing it to get Dad's attention but Finn will hurt you. I can't let you go through that," she said.

"Why? It's not going to change how damaged I am is it," Grace said.

"You're not damaged. We can get through this," Charlie said as Grace shook her head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm pregnant. It's his baby and I need you to come with me to get an abortion as dad can't find out. I'm scared," Grace said.

Charlie took Grace's hand and smiled. "We can do this. Together," Charlie said as Grace looked at her and smiled.


Charlie sighed as she walked out of the cooler. She was annoyed. She had been sent to the cooler by Helen. Even though she hadn't done anything.

"Miss Clarkson."

Charlie turned to see Max and sighed. "I'm not in the mood sir."

Max smiled slightly. "I can tell. You're having a rough time. I wanted to apologise for Miss Hopewell. She is a hopeless teacher. She bullied you. But I promise, she won't get away with it," he said.

"Thanks," Charlie said as she walked off.

Max looked at her and frowned. He knew that there was something bothering her and he wanted to be there and help her. Charlie was unlike any other student.


Charlie got home that night and saw Tom. She looked at him and sighed. "Dad? Can I talk to you?" She asked.

Tom turned and smiled. He nodded. "Sure. What is it?" He asked.

"Something happened to me and Grace. Mum's boyfriend. He did something.  He raped us..."

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